I loved every minute here with you

175 10 51

Chapter inspired by Immortal by Lorna Shore (my husbands) 

NOT PROOFREAD BC I WROTE THIS IS ONE HOUR!!! if you see a mistake please point it out!! also this isn't the end. 

And thank you to the commenters, if i could give you all like a meringue or something i would, kiss kiss



Jacob fucking knew.

Of course he knew. 

Well he figured it out at the end, when Joey didn't go to bow at the end to thank the crowd like Salvation usually did. As soon as Joey started to walk off-stage, and Jacob saw that, Alice knew he knew. 

Jacob literally ran after Joey, his guitar strapped to his back.

Alice's stomach did a flip as she saw Joey get pulled backstage by Jacob, she ran to meet them. But she was too late:


Jacob had grabbed Joey by the collar, holding him up against the wall of the hallway. Alice froze in horror as she watched her guitarist scream at her boyfriend:

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" He shouted at him, Joey's feet dangled, her mask had been stripped from his face. Joey looked panicked, and Jacob's mask were inches away from his face, and Jacob's mask was actually terrifying. 

"JACOB!" Alice shouted, but he didn't hear. " JACOB DU-PUIT TU LACHE MON MEC IMMEDIATEMENT!!" 

(Jacob du-puit you immediately let go of my boyfriend!!

Alice grabbed her guitarist arm, ripping him away from her boyfriend. Jacob snapped his face towards her, it looked like he had fallen on his face, he seemed so confused:

"Alice? What-how?" 

Joey slid down the wall, trying to get some distance between him and Jacob. Alice shook her head, shoving Jacob out of her way to make sure Joey was alright. Joey was shaken up, he was slightly trembling but he seemed to be okay over all. 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Alice fussed over him as Jacob gawked at the two of them, Joey nodded, his eyes worriedly snapping from her's to Jacob's angry form. She turned to Jacob:

"Are you fucking serious?! You could have seriously fucking hurt him!! HE COULD BE CONCUSSED!" Alice shouted as she stood close to him, she was both angry and fucking terrified. Jacob unlocked his mask, he looked incredibly lost:


"WHAT EVEN WERE YOU THINKING?!" She ignored him.





"ALICE!" He grabbed her shoulders, "SHUT UP!"

Alice was stunned, Jacob had never, ever, raised his voice like that towards her. She shut her mouth.

"Alice... what did-" He gulped, "What did you call him?"

Alice froze, in the heat of the moment she hadn't measured her words.

She very calmly turned to face Joey, who seemed both confused and scared:

"Joey leave please." 

Joey opened his mouth to argue, but Alice shot him a glare. He then nodded, and just very slowly backed up, until at one point he turned and ran (very smart move). 

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