C'mon, make it easy, say I never mattered

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Alice blinked.

Because what the fuck??? 

Who just drops something like that on someone??? 


As everyone shuffled away to get back to their changing rooms, Quartz started to speak to Alice, dragging her away from Joey. But they didn't break eye contact, staring into each others eyes as they were dragged away.

"Yo! Earth to Alice!! Hello????" Quartz snapped her sparkly pink fingers in front of Alice's face. Alice blinked, looking back at her singer.

"Uh.. yeah what?"

"Bro focus.. c'mon." 

"I am focused." 



"No." Quartz pocked Alice's side. 

She rolled her eyes, trying to squirm away from her vocalist. Hector frowned at her behaviour, as he watched Alice and Quartz interact, something was definitely off with Alice. Spider was sulking in a corner, because of course he was, if he wasn't, then something would be wrong.

Alice just hoped nobody noticed how she had reacted. 

Well they had (obviously). 

As she started to walk back to their room, Theo jogged up to catch her:

"So... how you been?" He asked cautiously. 

"Urgh go away."

"No." He insisted, "I'm not dumb y'know."

Alice pursed her lip in response and Theo automatically rolled his eyes, but he didn't press on, he knew that Alice would come to him when she was ready. 

Or not.

Alice needed to figure her shit out, like yesterday. She was frustrated, she wanted to scream and rip someone's eyes out. This entire mess was so infuriating, what the hell was she supposed to do about all of this?? She loved Joey. She missed him, it was almost carnal. She wanted to grab him, drag him to a changing room and just-



"You gonna move or you gonna stay here?" Nova asked. Alice blinked, and she realised that she had been standing in the middle of the goddam hallway. "Pourquoi t'es aussi bizzare aujourd'hui??" (Why're you so weird today?

"Bah.. j'sais pas... y'a Joey qui-" (Well... I don't know, there's Joey who-) Alice started shyly, but she cut herself off as she noticed Jim, who was very clearly listening in. She threw him a glare, grabbing Nova's arm to walk with her. She dropped her voice to a whisper, even though it would be hard for Nova to hear through the mask, she didn't really care. "Joey said he missed me." 

"Ah." Nova said after a beat.

Alice froze and looked up at Nova. 


Nova nodded solemnly.


"Uh... d'you know something or-"

"Just don't get back with him until like Tuesday...kay?"

"What?? Why?" She asked, frowning under her mask. 

"There's money involved." Nova stated and she bolted away. Alice frowned somehow even more, but she wasn't surprised at all, it was very in character for Nova, but that didn't mean Alice liked it. It pissed her off, but she continued on with her day, there was nothing she could do anyways. She knew that if she let Nova see that it angered her, there would be endless teasing involved. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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