I'm lying in my bed, thinking of you.

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thank you to the commenters, ily, also super not spell checked, im lazy sorry

chapter inspired by Thoughts and Prayers by Motionless in White


Alice had gathered herself. 

She had cried her eyes out in the bathroom of the festival, but she had gathered herself. She had dried her tears and hid herself behind her mask. As she showed the security her band-pass, she walked past multiple giant band posters: Korn, Abyss, System of a Down, Salvation... her stomach tightened as she past next to the Slipknot poster, Joey's picture staring her down. 

She opened the door to their dressing room, and thankfully Slipknot wasn't around. But Quartz was, she looked at her friend she got worried for Alice:

"Hey wonderland, you alright?" 

"yeah." Alice answered quietly, she removed her mask, her eyes were red and puffy. 

"Alice? What happened?!" Quartz worriedly asked, Spider looked over at her, he immiedielty enveloped her in a hug. Alice had no energy to cry anymore, she just sighed as Quartz pestered her with questions, Alice buried her face in Spiders chest. 

"Please Quartz, just give me a minute." 

After about a minute, she looked up, Quartz clearly pitied her. 

"What happened?" She asked again, Quartz grabbed her hand, caressing her knuckles. "C'mon Alice, what's going on?"

Alice decided not to tell her what had happened. She didn't want them to worry for nothing. 

"I'm just stressed out." She lied. "I'm tired of the fights." 

Quartz thankfully didn't notice her lie, and she just started to comfort her, telling her that everything was going to be alright. 

Then came the time of the drum competition.


Alice was emotionally stunned, she had her pink sticks, and her gear on. She decided to stay completely silent, no matter who spoke to her. She walked in the room, where at least ten to fifteen drummers had gathered in one room. 

Of course Joey Jordison was present. His eyes were red, he looked like he had cried, scratch that, his eyes were just as red and puffy as yours. 

"All right gentleman-and ladies!" A tech lady announced at the top of her lungs, making all the conversations die down, "You're going to be divided in two groups, and this is going to be like... like a tournament! The winner gets a little trophy!

The men around her cheered, but she didn't even move. She was put in pod A, and thankfully Joey was put in pod B. 

She was up against a man named Tommy first, he was an easy win. She just did the break from their song  "They'll keep the power". As Joey won against his own enemy.

This all reminded her that she had to meet Spider's girlfriend... to make sure that everything was alright between them. 


It was the finals. 

And of course she was there.

 Of course she was sitting on the stool, staring at the drum-set in front of her. Joey was sitting across from her, she held his burning gaze. She couldn't tell what he was feeling, he was still wearing his mask. But she could tell he was shaken, he kept making small mistakes, that no one with that much experience would make. 

She stretched her back, making it loudly crack, she did the same with her knuckles. Alice knew that this was going to be a difficult win. 

But she wouldn't let him have this. 

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