Tonight I spoke to the devil, and he looked like you

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A/N: two fellow authors very nicely gave me the link to a website that generates metal lyrics for you, so thats pretty cool, and thank you! and you guys should def check it out! (its: NOT PROOFREAD IF YOU SEE ANYTHING, SAY IT!!

*Chapter inspired by Sun//Eater by Lorna Shore (no one gets to comment i love them ok, plus im seing them this summer so shush)* 


Joey slammed himself on the door and Alice flinched as he bounced off, landed at her feet, completely winded. He wheezed as he tried to sit up. Alice knelled next to him:

"I told you it wasn't a good idea."

He groaned:

"Fuck off." 

He sat up, and with Alice's help, he stood on his feet. He grimaced as he rolled his shoulder.

"You alright?" She asked, she saw him wince again.

"Yeah... I think." 

She stared at the door, she suddenly had an idea:

"Do you have a hair pin? Or like something I could try to pick the lock."

"You know how to pick locks?" He asked in disbelief. He had tied his hair back in a low ponytail, the red streaks in his hair contrasting with his dark hair. 

"I've done it before but I'm not sure." She looked through the pockets of her jacket, but she had nothing. Joey did the same with his stuff... and thankfully he said:

"Oh yeah I've got two hair pins." He said, in the palm of his hand there were two hair pins, Alice gently took them, her face heating up a bit at the contact. She knelled in front of the door, and she tried to open the door by using the little pins.


Alice had been at it for twenty minutes, she was on stage really soon... and she couldn't open the fucking door.

"Is it working?" Joey asked as he looked over her shoulder.

"Uh... I wish." She answered as she heard the lock click in protest again. She sighed as she tried again, just for her to fail again. She rested her head against the door, her fingers hurt from how tightly she was holding the pins. 

"What if we just scream?" He asked, Alice looked over her shoulder at him.

"What do you mean?" She asked, "Like we just... scream for help?"

He nodded, but before he could start screaming at the top of his lungs, Alice quickly answered:

"No one would hear us though."  

Joey looked at her confused, so she clarified:

"There's a set happening right now! No way someone would hear us over all that noise."

Joey realised that she was right... and he slumped against the wall in defeat:

"We're never getting out of here." He whined. Alice was about to agree until she faintly heard her name being called through the door. For a second she though she had hallucinated, but as she looked at Joey, she realised that he had heard it too. He jumped to his feet and started to pound on the door to get that persons attention. Alice stood back as the man shouted himself hoarse. And miraculously she heard a voice call both of their names:

"You two in there?" 

"Yeah! The lock is stuck!" Alice shouted back. Joey laughed, he backed up as the door started to click open. And thankfully the door swung open, just as Alice put her mask on. A technician appeared, he looked incredibly confused over how and why the fuck the two of them were here. He pointed at Alice:

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