I'll be good, I promise

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A/N: lmao sorry for not updating in a hot second. here it is!!

Chapter inspired by: L'enfer des Dieux by Mass Hysteria


Alice had been right, the car ride had been... something alright. 

Firstly, Quartz had appeared, she looked like shit, recounting how her night had gone. She had managed to drink John under the table, the man had became a mess after a hot second, though Val was more of a challenge. 

"They nearly got me to be honest." Quartz said as she struggled to get her bag in the car. She looked like crap, and she had vomited when she had woken up that morning. 

Spider walked past them.

"Hey Spidy-"Quartz started.

The car door slammed.

"Is he serious, I'm so gonna kill him." Quartz complained. 

"He's such a moody baby." Alice grumbled, looking over as Nova skipped towards them.

"Theo's gonna be late, he had some issues getting up." 

"He better move it." Alice answered. Everyone piled into the car, waiting for Theo, who arrived late and... not well dressed. 

Everyone laughed at him, making him flip the bird off at everyone.


"So.... you're Alice." 



Alice awkwardly sat across from Wednesday, who was sipping his coffee. His dark hair was tied up in a low ponytail, his black nails were rapidly tapping against the table. Alice's legs were bouncing up and down, to the rhythm of one of her songs. Joey eyes were jumping from his good friend to his girlfriend. 

"So... the rumours are true?" Wednesday asked, Alice frowned.

"Which ones?" 

"The ones about you and Joey dating since like the winter tour?"

"Oh." Alice hesitated for a second, "Well... yeah." 

Another incredibly weird silence settled, Alice didn't know what to say. 

She glanced at Joey, who was trying his best to appear nonchalant but couldn't hide a slight smirk on his face. Wednesday seemed to be processing the information, taking a moment to sip his coffee before speaking again.

"Interesting," Wednesday finally said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "I suppose congratulations are in order then."

Alice nodded, feeling relieved that Wednesday didn't seem upset or bothered by the revelation. "Thanks, Wednesday. It's been a while now, and we're really happy together."

Wednesday's lips curled into a small smile. "I'm glad to hear that. Joey's a good guy, and you seem like a formidable pair."

Joey chimed in, breaking the tension. "Yeah, we've had our fair share of adventures together, haven't we, Alice?"

Alice chuckled, reminiscing about the crazy moments they had experienced on tour.

 "Absolutely. We've been through some wild times, that's for sure."

Wednesday leaned back in his chair, his demeanour relaxing.

 "I can imagine. You two have always been quite the duo."

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