Drunken confession

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tw: alcohol use and weed is mentioned.

VERY IMPORTANT!!: should I give a name to Y/N? Instead of writing Y/N? I kinda want too but I'm not sure! please comment and tell me! (like i'd turn everything from a 'you' pov, to a 'she' pov)? Should I? Update: i did. 

also thx to the commenters! 

(chapter inspired by To the Hellfire by Lorna Shore)


Nova took yet another beer out of the cooler Alice had set up on the parking-lot. This was her tenth, she was tipsy and she fell back into the chair:

"All I'm saying," she slurred, "is that she's hot."

"I gotta agree." interjected Jacob who was laying on his back, he was completely drunk.

"Who are we talking about again?" asked Quartz, she swirled her drink (that was pink, of course). 

"Your mom." Nova giggled, and Jacob followed as well. Quartz laughed as well, she shook her head:

"Seriously? How old are you?" 

Alice tuned out the rest of the conversation, she turned towards Spider who was smiling widely, he rarely got drunk/tipsy. She was happy to see him let loose a bit. 

"And you Wonderland?" asked Nova, waving her finger at her.

"What about me?" Alice was at her fifth beer, so she was a bit tipsy. 

"Any crushessss?" she asked, Alice laughed. 

"Nope." She answered and Nova groaned. "What is this? Middle school?"

"You're so boring." 

"I am not!" 

"Not even Jordison?" she cackled. Alice rolled her eyes at her antics:

"Oh god no." Alice answered, disgusted.

"Oh c'mon!" She continued, "If you didn't know who he was, wouldn't you think he's hot?" 

"Maybe." Alice shrugged, to be honest, he was kinda cute, but god he was annoying.

"Do we seriously have to talk about Slipknot?" She heard Hector complain as he finished up his cigarette. 

"Hector's right, fuck them." Quartz said. 

"Cheers to that!" Alice said as she lifted her beer to sky.

"Cheers!" they all cheered, lifting their beers/cups/cigarettes to the sky. The group all started to talk again, Alice turned towards Quartz and the two of them started to talk about the rest of the tour. 

"We have two weeks left, then we're home." She smiled, she sipped her vodka.

"God I can't wait to be back in my bed..." Alice laughed, and Quartz nodded enthusiastically.

"Urgh same!" She answered, smiling widely as she started to talk about her dog, that she was extremely exited to see again. 


Alice was laying on the floor with Jacob and Quartz, Nova was out for the count. Alice laughed as Jacob cracked yet another joke at Jordison's expense. But as Jacob started to go on a mumbling rant, she decided it was time to wrap things up. 

"Ay Jacob?" Alice slurred, "Let's get to bed ok."

"NoOOoO." he grumbled, "I don't wannaaa." 

"C'mon." Alice got herself up from the floor, staggering and nearly falling on her face. She hiccuped a bit, she was definitely drunk. She dragged Quartz up as well, who decided to get Nova, But she had to carry her because Nova was completely fucked. Jacob managed to get himself up and he started to slowly make his way towards the band sleeping cots. Alice heard him swear loudly.

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