I don't think they'll forgive us this time.

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OK SO GUYS!! This story now kinda has a spin off type of thing, the author is writerdied! so shoo, go read their story too! 

TW: violence. 

Chapter inspired by Keystone Predation by Harvested.


The next day started like shit.

First of all, Alice woke up late (not at all because of a dream of a certain someone), she had to jump in the shower and sprint around her room to get herself dressed. 

She ran to the hotel reception where the rest of the band was waiting for her. As she got in the van, she turned towards Spider:

"How was the date?" 

-How did you know?- He signed back.

"I have my sources." Alice answered, smirking under her mask. "So I wanna know! Spill!"

Spider shook his head, but he gave up after she poked him in the ribs twice, he knew she wouldn't give up, and she would pester him all day long.

-Her name is Maisie.-

"Anddddd??" Alice grinned, "I want details!!" 

Spider silently groaned:

-She's in a band.-

Alice frowned:

"What? Which one?" 

-Abyss- He signed, -I want you to meet her though. I'm bringing her on another date today.-

"Absolutely!" Alice confirmed, she wanted to meet this chick, she had to make sure that this 'Maisie' girl wasn't a cunt that was taking advantage of her friend. She asked Spider to describe her, (A/N GO READ THE STORY BY writerdied , and you'll get a description). Alice could tell he liked her, by just the way he happily signed. 

She turned towards Nova, who was staring out the window of the car:

"Yo Nova, you ok?" 

"Yeah I'm good." She answered, pulling her headphones out.

"Feeling better?" 

"Yeah, though I'm a bit worried for Jacob." She said, her eyes darting around the car, "I thought he was gonna break up with Cal, but I overheard their call yesterday, and apparently he's giving him another chance."

"Relationships are complex," Alice wisely answered, "And if Jacob wants help, he'll ask for it... I think he's a big enough boy to make his own decisions." 

Nova rolled her eyes:

"I'm still worried about him." 

"I know. Me too, I don't want him to get hurt." Alice answered.

"Maybe you should talk to him." Nova stated. 


"Yeah, he only listens to you."

"Maybe 'cause I'm always right." Alice snikered as Nova rolled her eyes even more, "Hey if you continue rolling your eyes that much your gonna see your brain... oh wait you don't have one." 

Nova mocked a laugh:

"You make jokes like a five year-old."

And to that Alice held up her middle finger.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket:

--Crystal Mthrfckr--

'They want to do a drum competition to see who's the best, want me to sign you up?'

--Alice in wonderland--


--Crystal Mthrfckr--

'You better win!'

Alice laughed under her breath as the building came into view, of course she was going to win. 


Alice had left the dressing room for a minute. A fucking minute!! 

And by the time she came back with Theo, a confrontation seemed to have happened between Slipknot and Salvation. A new girl was standing in the room, someone Alice didn't exactly recognise. 

"Uh oh, here comes back up." Mocked Sid, who needed to shut his mouth before Alice stabbed the fuck out of him, that or Spider was probably going to snap the tiny man's neck. 

"Up your ass Sid, want Spider to knock you out again?" Alice answered coldly, staring him down.  

"Oh you little-"He jumped up, and Alice knew that he was about to swing at her, she was a bit slow in her reaction though, instead of putting her hands up to block, she froze.

But there was no pain.

The girl (Maisie?) had been nice enough to grab her and pull her towards her:

"Thanks." Alice breathed out, but of course, Alice wanted Sid's fucking skin now. In the corner of her eye, she saw Maisie retreat to a corner, but Alice didn't exactly care in that moment, she wanted to fucking kill someone. 

She pushed Corey away from Jacob, who was being held back by Quartz, Corey of course didn't like that, and a full brawl ensued. 

Alice had gotten punched at least once by... she didn't even know, when she stumbled back. She saw in a corner, the poor Maisie that was about to be slapped into the next dimension by Sid. But before she could even react, Spider had appeared next to her, grabbing Sid's wrist so harshly it was either broken or sprained. 

Alice wanted to scream. She felt herself get so unbelievably angry that she thought she might explode. So, to avoid starting yet another fight, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She tore her mask off, she needed to breath. 

She felt tears burn her eyes, because of course she was crying out of anger! Why the fuck not?! 

She didn't hear the door open and close behind her again, she was so enraged she literally saw red. 

"Alice!" She heard someone shout after her, she assumed it would be Theo, but when she turned around, it was Joey, Joey who tore his mask off his face, revealing a pained expression. 

"Don't." She started, "Don't you fucking start."

Joey looked at her, he looked as sad and as enraged as she did. Alice felt a sob escape her, shaking her entire body, and she started to cry. She had a full breakdown in the corner of a random hallway, it was just too much for her, the fights, the conflicting emotions, the pressure from touring. She had reached a breaking point. As she looked up to take a breath, she saw that Joey was crying too:

"Why are you crying?!" She asked, the situation was ironic, she was crying in the arms of a man she supposedly hated, and he was crying as well. 

" 'Cause your crying." He sobbed  back, another tear escaping his eyes. "And I like you." 

"What?!!" Alice asked in a strangled voice, though she was still crying. "You like me?!!"

"Yes!" Joey blinked and tears rolled down his face. A small smile had crept onto his face. A silence settled as they both stared at each other, but then Alice realised... They couldn't. They simply couldn't be together, for her own sake, for her band... 

Alice couldn't love him. 

She suddenly stood up. Her face became cold and stoic, devoid of any emotion. Joey looked at her, incredibly confused. 

"No." She answered coldly. "You don't'." 

And with that, she ran off. 

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