It's hard to love you

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So.... only a couple more chapters and we're done!!!wOoOooOOoooOOOOO! 

anyways, yay.


Chapter inspired by: (sic) by Slipknot. 

"Get off meeee." Alice complained as Joey didn't fucking move for the tenth time.

"No." Joey grumbled.

"I gotta-"


Alice huffed, as soon as Joey had came back from his show with Slipknot, he had fallen on top of her, putting all his weight on her. 

Alice squirmed underneath Joey's weight, a mixture of annoyance and amusement evident on her face. She tried to poke his sides, but that clearly didn't work. *

"Joey, seriously, you're crushing me," Alice whined, but her eyes sparkled with laughter.

He finally relented, rolling off her with a grumble:

 "Fine, fine. But only because you asked nicely."

She sat up, massaging her shoulders with a smirk. 

"You're lucky I like you, otherwise I'd have kicked you off ages ago."

Joey chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes:

"Oh, I know you like me. Admit it, Alice."

She playfully nudged him with her elbow. "Maybe a little."

With a sigh, Alice looked around the small room, taking in their surroundings. Alice couldn't say that the hotel was glamorous. The room was tiny, and it smelled... not very good to say the least. 

"You know, Joey," she began, her tone turning serious. "We've been through so much, no? I can't believe it's been four months."

Joey nodded, his gaze filled with a mixture of gratitude and pain.

 "Yeah, it has. But I'm grateful that you've been here with me. You've made this crazy fucking journey a bit more bearable."

A flicker of vulnerability passed through Alice's eyes, but she smiled:

"Only a bit?"

Joey rolled his eyes and flipped her off. 

Silence settled between them, punctuated only by the soft sounds of their breathing.

Joey reached out, gently intertwining his fingers with Alice's:

"I fucking love you."

Alice barked out a laugh, shaking her head:

"I fucking love you too." 

Joey rolled over, about to kiss her, when his phone rang. Joey sighed:

"Why are we always interrupted?" 

Alice laughed as he answered the phone, she watched him closely as his entire demeanour change. Alice frowned, and she plopped herself up on her elbows to watch him. 

"-what d'you mean??" Joey asked, obviously exacerbated. "How the fuck could that happen??"

He passed his hand through his hair. 

"He said what?! Motherfucker- No! But.... Yeah, fine. No.... yeah I'll be there."

Joey hanged up and sighed,rubbing his face.

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