Chapter 1

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“I can’t fucking believe you!”

“Well what did you expect?”

“I expected you to love me!”

“Well that’s your fault for having high expectations.”

And that’s how the night started. I had come home from a late night at work and a doctor's appointment tired and exhausted only to find my boyfriend with another woman.

Well, multiple women. I honestly thought we had a good relationship but this isn’t the first time I’ve caught him cheating.

I was currently sitting on the sidewalk with tears streaming down my face and he was in the house with the other women. How could our relationship take such a turn? I did everything that he asked for and more but it was apparently never enough. I was waiting for someone to pick up the phone because he had kicked me out and I had nowhere to go. I didn’t even have a car.

On the fourth person I called and the fourth ring, they picked up.

Hello?” They asked.

“Zuku?” I replied with a shaky voice as the tears started to flow faster.

“Y/n? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Izuku says in a panic.

“No!” I shout and cry into the phone. “Zuku, I need help! He’s cheating on me and he kicked me out.”

“WHAT?” He says with a stern voice.

“He kicked me out god dammit!” Then the world just blurs out. Noise is muted. There is a bunch of commotion on the other end of the phone and there is shouting. Whether the shouting was me, from the house, or the other end of the phone, I wouldn’t know.

Minutes later of just sitting on the curb, balling my eyes out, a car pulls up beside the curb that I’m sitting on and stops just a few feet away. The screeching of the tires isn’t as loud as it would’ve been if I was aware of my surroundings but even then, I didn’t dare stop crying or look up or flinch away from the closeness of the car. Vaguely I hear shouting and car doors slamming and pounding footsteps.

Without realizing, I am on my feet and someone has their arms wrapped around me tight as I continue to cry into their shirt. The arms are warm and safe, so safe that they feel like the safest thing out there. The strength and muscle that ripples through the skin hold so much meaning without it really meaning anything. The arms drop from hugging me to firmly grab my arms and hold me a distance away from the warmth of their skin.

“Y/N! LOOK AT ME!” they shout. I look up with blurry and teary eyes to be met with frightened heterochromic eyes. One a beautiful blue and the other- wait, heterochromic eyes? Hadn’t I called Izuku? Behind me there is a commotion that draws both mine and Todoroki’s attention.

There on the floor with nothing but a towel covering him up is my (now) ex-boyfriend, fresh red bite marks line up his collor bone and neck, clear evidence of cheating, and purpling bruises begin to blossom on his face. Had he been hit? Standing in the threshold of the front door is a very pissed off Izuku. So I had called him.

“THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” my ex shouts holding the towel as he attempts to stand. “AREN’T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO? THAT WASN’T VERY HEROIC OF YOU!”

“Oh I am the number one hero and I am being the hero right now.” Izuku says as he takes slow steps out of the house toward me and Todoroki. Without warning Izuku takes my arm and rolls up the sleeves of my jacket to reveal a row of bruises. I quickly tear my arm away and cover back up.

How had he known?

Did someone tell him?

Did I tell him?


“You didn’t think that I would know? How stupid do you think I am.” Izuku says as he glares daggers at my ex. His eyes widen in the realization of being caught and his eyes dart to me with malice coloring his eyes.

“You fucking snitched on me? Really y/n? I thought you loved me?” he says as he tries to come closer to me.

“Loved you?” I cry and I walk out of Todoroki’s grasp. “I did love you until you fucking hurt me! Over and over and over again. Then I find you in bed with multiple other women! I did love you. But not anymore.”

Now me and my ex are mere feet apart from each other, him glaring daggers at me, me crying in pain, and both of our fists clenched with white knuckles. He makes an attempt to move closer to me but in the blink of an eye, Izuku has him pinned to the floor so he can’t move anymore. But when Izuku brought him down, something went clattering and skittering off to the side.

A knife.

A fucking knife.

I stand there and stare as the tears flow but no noise escapes, as my ex struggles underneath Izuku’s weight. But soon his grunts and shouts of protest and profanities turn into strangled and drowning groans. The skin turns from its usual pale into a dead green/gray color. I turn to look at Todoroki and he seems just as surprised. The groans multiply as we all look at the doorway to see the women standing there in shredded underwear and blackish red liquid running out of their mouths and multiple holes in their bodies.

This was like something that I would see out of a goddamn movie. Where they…


No, it can’t be. I must be dreaming or in hysterics. Or maybe I had cried myself to sleep on the sidewalk and I was having a nightmare. Yeah, a nightmare. A really bad, really realistic nightmare.

The women stumble out of the doorway toward Izuku who is also staring in shock. Even if this was just a shitty dream, I’m not gonna let him die.

The start of a new book!
Let's goooo
I will say that I have a horrible update schedual soooo
Don't get your hopes up?
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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