Chapter 5

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I woke up to gentle shaking on my shoulder.

When I open my eyes I see Izuku standing over me.

But half of his face is eaten up and rotten.

His mouth turns up in a sadistic smile and he opens it as gargled groans and blackish blood oozes from his mouth.

I quickly push him off of me and see that Todoroki is in the room as well in the same state.

They were zombies.

I snap awake for real this time gasping for air and trying to wipe the imaginary blood off my face when I realize that there is no blood.

There is no blood.

There is no zombie Izuku.

There is no zombie Todoroki.

Tears started to stream down my face as I closed them tight and counted to ten.











I open them back up but the tears still stream and the panic is still there. The panic that if Izuku and Todoroki leave tomorrow they might not come back.

But what if they already left?

I quickly and quietly tear the blankets off of me as to not wake either Yanoru or Eri and rush to the room next to mine and twist the door knob.

The door was left unlocked.

As soon as I open the door I see two bodies, moving as they breath. One on the floor. One on the bed. The one on the floor snaps awake and I catch glimpses of green fluffy hair from the moonlight that shines through the window. The tears running down my face only run faster as I see the real Izuku sitting there with wide panicked eyes.

"Y/n!? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Are you going to throw up again?" He says as he tries to stand. But before he can actually get to his feet, I run at him and hug him close, tackling him to the floor. "Y/n?" He says much quieter but still frantically. "What's wrong? You've gotta tell me or I can't help"

"D-don't leave m-me." I manage to choke out between sobs.

"Leave you? Why on earth would I ever do that?" He whispers as he runs a hand up and down my back. I don't respond with a coherent answer as I instead just hug him and cry into his shoulder.

"What's going on? Midoriya? What's wrong with y/n?" A sleepy Todoroki murmurs as he wakes and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I-I don't know. She kinda just stormed in here like this." Izuku responds.

I let go of Izuku and throw myself at Todoroki equally as hard as I did to Izuku.

"Whoa!" Todoroki says just barely catching me. "Y-y/n what's wrong?"

And in response I just shake my head "no" into his shoulder. "Baby, you need to use your words. We've talked about this." Izuku says as he comes up behind us and sits on the mattress.

"P-please don't l-leave m-me." I sob out again.

"Y/n why do you keep saying that? We will never leave you or even try." Izuku tries to reason. But it doesn't register in my head.

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