Chapter 45

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Todoroki + POV = plot twist from hell
(im listening to a playlist just filled with toxic love songs and what not and it's just reminding me how in-love with y/n they all were and how far they were willing to go for her.)

The weather was nice today. Just three weeks ago it was cold outside. And just three weeks ago...

I held both of their hands in mine, one in my left and one in my right.

We walked around the building in silence because it wasn't like there was much to talk about anyways. The birds that were still alive chirped and squawked above us as the ground crunched with each step.

The walk was enjoyable. Sometimes I forget that we're trying our hardest to survive the apocalypse because of how nice it can be.



Some of us didn't survive.

What a funny and painful word.

"Shoto..." a voice says from behind me. My grip tightens on their hands as I peer at the person over my shoulder.

"You need to let them go." Aizawa says as his voice begins to crack. His face was pale but red and splotchy from crying and also trying not too.

"I can say the same for you Aizawa." I say as I pull the two forward and continue my walk. But then suddenly I feel my hold on them going away.

I look to my left and Kimiya's fiery spirit is smothering and disappearing into smoke. I look to my right and see y/n's ice form melting and turning into a puddle of water on the floor. Slowly, the Kimiya and y/n that I had created where being taken away once again.

I turn to face Aizawa and I can see that his eyes are red and his hair is floating. He tries to get rid of the tears that fall from his eyes as he puts a hand to his mouth.

"Wait, no no no- WAIT STOP!" I desperately shout as I try and scrap the two remaining forms together. I couldn't lose them again. Not now and not ever.

I try to activate my quirk and rebuild them but it just wouldn't fucking work.

"Aizawa please! No! I don't wanna lose them, please!" I shout again as I look in his direction and begin to cry.

And now, they are gone.

All that is left behind is the scorch marks of Kimiya's footprints and the large puddle of water left from y/n's ice.

"I-im so sorry Shoto. You jus-just need to let them go." Aizawa says as he lays his hand on my shoulder. I collapse to the floor as I try to scrap together the remains but all I get is dirt and mud under my nails.

"No! No! Come back! Give them bACK!" I shout through broken sobs and cries. Aizawa collapses near me on his knees as he tried to hold in his cries but failing. Now, all that can be heard is our broken sobs. 

Let go

Let go

Let go

It's the only thing that rings through my mind. The only thing other than Kimiya and y/n. How can I possibly move on when the only people that I could now consider family are gone?

I couldn't find trace of any of my siblings nor my mother, and I think it's safe to say that they're dead.

And Endeavor I obviously shot. But I would never regret that decision. I missed them greatly, more than that if possible. I missed the snowball fights, I miss reading her bed time stories, I miss the warm cuddles with y/n.

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