Chapter 24

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When the words that labeled your baby were spoken, tears of... tears began to develop in your eyes and they began to fall.

But the moment was short lived as a commotion was hear outside of the door.

"Huh?! What the hell!" Shigaraki shouts. Then there are crashes and sounds of furniture being overturned and glass shattering. Compress hands you your crying baby as Dabi pickles you up and runners to the corner furthest from the door.

He sets you down and Compress starts getting you set up and comfortable while continuing his work.

The commotion gets louder and it is being assumed that whatever is going on out there is getting closer and closer. Dabi pulls you closer into him as he also gets into a defensive position when the door is broken down.

And in through the door comes Bakugo.

He stands there with a gun up and armed and pointed at Compress who quickly pulls the blanket down to cover you up and produces a gun of his own.

Did he pull that out of his ass?

The men have a stand off and wait and you could feel that any moment that someone was going to get shot.

"All of put the god damn guns down and fucking calm down." you say sternly with a weak voice. Bakugo's focused eyes turn to you and you see them at the sight of you in the corner with your newborn baby in your arms. Then a loud crash echos from outside the room along with more shouting.

Your eyes begin to water and you feel yourself growing weak at what could possibly be going on.

"Please... stop them." you say as you begin to faint. Dabi and Bakugo come to a silent understanding as they race out of the room, leaving you and compress.

When Dabi and Bakugo get to the living room people are fighting everywhere. Toga, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Twice, and Spinner are there fighting Yanoru, Aizawa, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Izuku. The fighting ensues and weapons are soon drawn.

"ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU!" Dabi and Bakugo shout in unison. With their voices combined, the power and volume is amplified and carried throughout the room and the fighting stops.

But that doesn't mean that they're just going to calm down.

Yanoru pins toga to the floor with her foot on her throat and a gun pointed at her head. "Tell me where my sister is or I swear I'm going to blow her brains out right here right now." she says with furious tears in her eyes.

Kurogiri, in a headlock thanks to Izuku, starts struggling as he speaks. "She's safe and alright, right along with her baby! They're in the other room."

Kirishima immediately stands up from his dropped position on the ground and starts racing through the hall to get to the room you are in.

When he opens the door, he sees Compress helping you clean and care for the baby. He nearly collapses to his knees when see you there and breathing with your baby in your arms and a smile on your face.

That beautiful smile that he missed. Soon, everyone, and I mean everyone, was in your room. With the help of Dabi and Bakugo, you are lifted to Shigaraki's bed where you are propped up and get comfy.

There was still hateful tension in the room with everyone in there but it was put off and ignored for now. Aizawa and Yanoru were closest to your bed and crying tears of pure bliss.

Obviously, your father was the first one, other than you and Compress, to hold the baby. He was finally able to hold his grandchild after months of waiting and oh how he wished he could capture this moment in time forever.

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