Chapter 15

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When we woke up the next morning and got Eri checked out, we found out that she was indeed sick from eating something wrong and from stress.

So for the next few days, we had been taking care of her while also doing some little projects around the building. We had taken the desks out of the classrooms and used them as barricades. When the classrooms were empty, we took mattresses from the nearby dorms and had them set up in the classrooms.

Since we had been there for so long, it was starting to feel a little like home. But as we continued to do things around the building, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched.

Whenever I felt like I was being watched, I would turn and no one would be there. Sure it bothered me but I didn't want to bother everyone else when we had more important things to worry about.

We had trouble finding places with enough food, because we were running out. But that was expected. There were nine people and I was eating for two. And it didn't help that I craved certain things more times than i could count. NOT because I couldn't count very high, but because it was a lot of times.

Time skip (7 months pregnant)

(yes I know that this is a lot of time skips, bear with it)

I was sitting in the main entrance of the building as I stared out the large windows with a bland look on my face. The boys were currently gone as they were sent to do a supply run. The sky was covered in clouds and it was starting to get chilly once again.

The wind blew harshly as it whipped the trees back and forth. Just because the world and human race was in danger doesn't mean that the planet was in danger.

It was quite the opposite actually.

During the spring the weeds were vibrant right along with the flowers and trees as they covered the sidewalks in whatever fell off. When the weather was nice like that I would often spend my time out in the sun as the warm breeze blew my hair around.

But now it was cold again.

This has been going on for almost a year now, maybe more than that. We had given up a long time ago with keeping track of time. It was pointless.

Outside the wind still raged on and I was beginning to grow worried. The boys had left a couple days ago and promised to be back today. But they were still gone. And just because they were still out there doesn't mean that the weather would go easy just for them.

The wind grew harsher as rain started to follow after. Soon I couldn't even see out the damn window. Panic started to bloom as I was starting to worry how they were holding up outside. Next to me was a very worried Inko. But I wouldn't blame her, he was her only son. If I was in her situation I would worry as well.

The two of us jumped about a mile high when we heard gun shots in the distance. They were close. By now, all of us were standing there in the lobby staring out the windows in expectance.

Through the window we could make out five hazy figures.

Five figures?

Last time I checked, there were only three of them. I can count right? Yeah, I think I can.

As the figures run toward us, there is a growing blob that follows closely behind them.

"H-holy shit." Yanoru says next to me. "They're being followed by a hoard!"

Upon hearing those words we are thrown into panic. Hizashi, Aizawa, and Yanoru quickly run to grab weapons and put the desks up in a barricade a good distance from the doors. I on the other hand grab Eri run to the stairway that is behind the barricade.

"Shit." Aizawa mutters from where he is with his weapon clutched close. "There's to many."

From next to me, I can feel Eri begin to shake and sob as she clutches me close. My eyes slowly scan the room and the people in it.

This is my family.

I can't let anything happen to them.

No matter what.

When I look over to Yanoru and our eyes meet, there is a mutual understanding as to what we have to do. But in her eyes, I can see how she doesn't want me to do this because of the baby.

Fuck the baby. It's replaceable.You guys aren't.

Our heads nod in unison as I let go of Eri and we both bolt to the door and run outside. Despite me being pregnant and the pounding rain, I run just as fast as Yanoru.

The others in front of us are waving us off and telling us to go back in but we ignore them as we barrel past them and straight at the hoard.

Just before we make contact with the hoard, the plan begins.

Here goes nothing.

White wings of pure light spring from my back as wings of pure darkness erupt from Yanoru's and a halo appears above my head. Our hands link as we unleash pent up energy and anger to create a misty glowing ring of shadowy smoke and hazy light. A bubble of light protects me and Yanoru, courtesy of me, as a dark shadowy dome covers the zombies. My eyes that glow a solid warm white meet with Yanoru's that are a solid murky black. Sad smiles meet up on our faces as we feel the pain begin to build within our bodies. And with one last blink, the darkness and light meet up and create a blinding explosion where the two meet.

Yanoru POV

When I open my eyes again, I am on the ground where the zombies once were and where me and y/n now lie. My body is tense and my joints cry in pain as I attempt to move to check on y/n and her baby. But I can't move.

It hurts to much.

The groans and whines that escape from my mouth are nothing compared to y/n's agonizing screams and cries. I knew that I shouldn't have let her do this with me but there was a determined glint in her eyes that told me nothing would stop her.

Not even the fact that she could hurt her baby.

The cries echoed in the front lawn of U.A. and the others inside must've heard them because they all come running out. Including the newbies.

But the fastest and first to get to us is Izuku. He stops in between us and I watch as his panicked eyes flitter back and forth between me and y/n. I honestly want to tell him to care for y/n but I am also hurting.

But I don't want to be selfish.

Thankfully I didn't use to much of my quirk as I feel my body slowly ease up little by little. But just because my pains were easing up didn't mean that y/n's would let up anytime soon. She carried that move after all.

When I have enough mobility to move I slowly sit up to see Kirishima barreling toward y/n with tears in his eyes. He drops to his knees and skids toward her before picking her tense and crying figure up and cradling her in his arms.

Her cries continue as I try to get to her but cry out in pain when I put pressure on my feet.

The others just stand there and watch as there is nothing they can do.

Oh gods.
Yes, I know. This is a lot of time skips
But bear with me.
And yes I know y/n's attitude toward the fetus when she gets ready to attack is not very mother like but that ideaology is just something that I have had for a while.
A book is replaceable
My friends aren't
I had something else to say
This chapter almost made me cry
Y/n's sacrifice was great and the pain hurts like a bitch
I would know
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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