Chapter 32

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The boys stormed into the living room from their search when they noticed that y/n  was missing from the running in the halls. They run in to see y/n with the emergency hand gun pointed at the door where an indigo haired male stood on the other side with a bag and a weapon of his own.

They all had a stare down until the 'stranger' spoke up.

"Ummmm, special delivery?" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"REALLY?" y/n shouts as she takes the gun and points in to the floor. "You disappear for how long and that's the first thing you say to me? I should shoot you where you stand for your stupidity!"

"How about we not shoot Shinso." Kirishima says as he takes the gun from the enraged female's grasp.

Although Shinso talked with a normal tone and it was hard for them to hear unless they focused on it, y/n's shouts were heard loud and clear. Eventually Dabi stumbles in with a whinny Kimiya in his arms.

"Y/n!" Dabi says in panic. "She just started crying and I don't know what to do!"

"Oh for fuck's sake." y/n grumbles as she takes the baby from his arms and begins to gently rocks her back and forth while making a shush like noise.

And after a few minutes, the baby is calm yet again and sleeping soundly.

"I-wha- HOW?!" Dabi said highly appalled.

"Quiet you homicidal-bacon-bitch." y/n seathes as she hold the baby close so she can hear her heartbeat. Whirling back, y/n turns to Shinso, disdain simmering from her eyes.

"What the actual fuck were you thinking?! Disappearing for months, maybe years, on end and just now show up in the middle of the fucking zombie of all times? What is wrong with you?" y/n shouts as she feels the angry tears fall from her eyes. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! So on top of you being dead, I have a fucking baby that the world depends on and my sister disappears!"

Shock and fear are present in Shinso's wide eyes at y/n's sudden outburst. He knew that disappearing without telling those he was close to was a drastic decision but he didn't know that it would impact her this hard.

And one of the girls was missing?

"Which one?" Shinso says as Izuku opens the door with a solemn expression on his face as he watches them argue.

"Yanoru." y/n says with broken sobs raking her chest. The baby began to stir in her arms from the jerking of her chest so Hizashi takes his grandchild before y/n completely collapses to the floor in a mess of tears and uneven breaths.

"I had an episode because someone broke in and she went after him. She's been gone for almost a week." y/n continues.

She missed her sibling oh so much because even though the author writes a lot of scenes with the male portion of the group, she was especially closest to her. 

For heavens sake that was her sister. They had been together through thick and thin and told each other everything. Or that's what they think...

Shinso went to take a step toward his weeping friend when a harsh had to the chest stopped him. Looking up, he saw the man that he had always looked up to with a saddened and disappointed look on his face as he shook his head. It hurt Shinso knowing that it was partially his fault that she was in all this pain and crying on the floor instead of smiling and caring for her child.

It was his fault.

He handed the bag in his hand over to the ash blond by the door and he began to make his way out of the building. But he was stopped short when she cried out.

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