Chapter 38

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(as of right now i am crying and in pain so you know what imma do? Put it all into this shitty chapter 🙂)

(btw someone dies, jsyk)

News had spread fast of what Shigaraki had said. So for the entirety of them being back to the dorms, he received glares for miles on end. But their glares were even worse since he had never let go of Kimiya and kept her close.

No one left Shigaraki alone with Kimiya because they didn’t know what wold happen. But it wasn’t like he had any ill intentions, at least not anymore. And no one left you alone with them because of how you were feeling.

Pissed off was an understatement and your glare was the worst.

When Kimiya had first crawled out of your arms and launched herself at Shigaraki you had felt unending fear. But now all you felt was betrayal. Your daughter had really left you to be with him.

The mood was gloomy and agitated as everyone just sat around waiting for the other groups to get back.

It was a given that the food group would be back first, but now there was just a horrid silence that lingered around.

Shigaraki was as of now curled up on the couch with Kimiya cuddled into him with a book and a blanket. His nose was bandaged up -by himself- so he looked a little funny and Kimiya kept poking fun of it to try and lighten the mood.

You sat on the couch opposite of them and watched them like a hawk. If it were up to you, you would’ve torn them apart and killed Shigaraki then and there. But Kimiya was happy, and that’s how you wanted her to be. Especially in these dire times.

Eri and Aizawa sat o neither side of you to keep a tight leash on you and make sure you didn’t do anything dire and Hizashi had taken Dabi outside so he could let out some anger.

After sitting there and glaring for couple of minutes you heard a growl. Not like an animalistic growl but one of a hungry stomach. You look over and see Kimiya sitting right next to you instead of her original position where Shigaraki was.

And it honestly scared the shot out of you.

“Holy sh-” you started to say but was quickly interrupted but Aizawa.

“Language.” he says as he looks to his granddaughter who is looking between the two of you with wide doe eyes. “What do you want bean?”

“Im hungry.” she whines.

“Well of course your hungry, you barely ate your breakfast and we did a lot of running around.” you say as you stand up and take her small hand into your own. You gently guide her to the kitchen and lift her up onto the counter where she rummages through the cabinet and pickles out a snack.

From the kitchen, you hear a loud crash coming from the direction of the common room.

“God damnit Dabi get your ass off of him! You can’t kill him!” you hear Hizashi shout.

“Wait- ERI PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!” you hear. You quickly take your daughter off the counter so she doesn’t fall and turn around to see Dabi and Eri wrestling the injured Shigaraki with weapons in their hands.

You place a hand over Kimiya’s eyes so she doesn’t witness the gruesome punches that are being thrown. Hizashi runs over and takes your daughter so that way you can run over and resolve this mess.

As you rush over you see Aizawa pulling on Eri’s legs as she holds onto the collor of Shigaraki’s shirt as she raises her knife and tries to stab him while Dabi repeatedly kicks the poor man. You make it to Dabi first and drop kick him away as you reach over to Eri’s neck and hit a specific pressure point so she falls on top of Shigaraki unconscious.

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