Chapter 39

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"The canceling plague holds the creature of nightmares." 

We were outside ready to bury the body that was once known as Tomura Shigaraki. There was a silence between us all. No one dared talk to me because of what I had done. They were conflicted between scolding me for murder and congratulating me for killing him off.

Well, other than Dabi. he immediately told me that what I did was right and that I did no wrong.

But how come I felt like I did something wrong? Maybe it was because of the savior portion of my morals. Because yeah, a hero wouldn't kill someone.

Would they?

Shinso quickly finishes digging the hole that Shigaraki's body would go in and hops out so that way I can shove his body in, but not before Eri gets a good kick out of the corpse. Then, because I killed him, it was my job to re bury the body.

The others went inside to leave me be and 'think about my actions' and so that way they could comfort Kimiya who eventually found out that Shigaraki was dead. But she didn't know I killed him.

Which is a good thing on my part because I don't know if she'll ever trust me again.

The sun was slowly setting and it was taking the others far to long to bury the motherfucker. The other groups had long since returned with all the necessary supplies. And they all stopped to watch as we worked and even asked questions as to what I was doing.

The utter shock on their faces made you feel guilty for what you had done, especially from Toga. the defeated look on her face nearly broke your heart.

You would've tried to explain except you don't think that she wanted anything to do with you.

Bakugo laughed out of all things, but that was obvious. He didn't even ask why you did it. He just laughed and left.

Now it was just you, the shovel, and Izuku outside.

But just because he was outside with you didn't mean that you guys talked. All he did was sit there and watch as you worked with a scowl on your face.

(just now realizes that I switched POV's half way through... fuck it)

He wanted to ask you how it happened and why you would've possibly killed Shigaraki. How could you, a literal angle, have killed someone?

But he didn't ask any questions because you looked like you needed to let off more steam. So he sat there and watched as you aggressively picked up dirt with the shovel and dumped it into the large hole.

"Why is there so much fucking dirt?" he heard you mumble under your breath.

Good question.

He watched as you struggled with picking up the dirt and grew more agitated by the second. But as you tried and tried again to pick up the dirt, you failed.

So you resulted in beating the tree next to you with the shovel and show it no mercy :) 

"MOTHER. FUCKING. PIECE OF. SHIT." you shouted with each swing of the shovel. Izuku flinched back from your outburst of anger and watched as the bark was slowly peeling away from the tree.

Then from behind you and in front of him, he watched as Hawks began to stalk up behind you. Izuku looked back and forth between the shovel and Hawks and knew where things where heading.

He began to shake his head no to Hawks and try to stop him from whatever he was doing but the blond male only gave the greenette a sly smile in return and kept going.

Izuku was now useless in the stopping of a potential murder as he watched Hawks jump up behind you.

Your response was to spin around with your shovel still in your hand and let the force carry said shovel into the side of Hawks' head, with the dull side of course. The loud bang rang out along with the shout of pain from the receiving end of the hit.

"OW! What the fuck? You really have a problem with almost killing me!" the male shouted as he clutched his head in his hands.

"The first time was an accident. This time it was your fault." you said as you gave him the side eye and went back to putting the dirt in the hole.

"Wait." Izuku said from his spot. "What do you mean she has a problem with almost having killed you?"

In response Hawks lifted his shirt and saw that his torso was wrapped in a white bandage that went all the way around.

"She shot me." he said nonchalantly.

Then you snapped to look at Hawks and raised the shovel, ready to hit him again.

"Your not telling the full story!" you shouted. "Tell the right story or else you'll end up like him."

Hawks watched as you nodded your head in the direction of the hole. Then his brows shot up in surprise and concern as he peered over the hole.

"Who's that?" he asked quietly.

"Shigaraki." you said with an evil smile creeping up onto your face. Hawks slowly backed away from you so that way he was at less of a risk of being the next one buried.

That's when he remembered why he came over here in the first place.

"I actually need to show you something." Hawks said in a serious tone. "It's about your sister."

That made both you and Izuku freeze in place. Izuku knew that Yanoru was a sensitive subject for you but the Hawks didn't. You started to angrily fill the hole again as you responded.

"She's dead." you responded bitterly.

But Hawks wouldn't take no as an answer.

"I can assure you she is very much alive." Hawks said.

Then you gave an irritated and exasperated sigh as you turned toward the winged male.

"If I say yes and see whatever it is you have to show me will you fuck off?" you said with a falsely sweet smile. Hawks hurriedly nods his head yes and begins to drag you off with Izuku being left to follow.

You were pulled through the forest the was around the dorms and listened as there seemed to be a noise.

Hawks pulled you over to a bush where the old rabbit hero known as Mirko was kneeling behind the bush and watching through a pair of binoculars. Her ears twitched from where they were tucked and her head turned to the three of you.

You were pulled into a crouched position along with Izuku as Mirko put a finger to her lips, signaling for you to be quiet. Then she handed you the binoculars and pointed in the direction in front of you.

You quickly peered through the binoculars with newfound urgency. You knew that it was serious if she was here. You looked around until you spotted a movement and settled there. Your eyes widened in surprise as you saw a girl with long coffee colored hair and an odd mask kill person after person.

This person looked so similar to Yanoru, but there was no way for it to be her. She was dead. She left you all alone years ago. But this made your heart ache. You tried to get a glimpse at her eyes to try and confirm it was her but then something else confirmed it.

She unleashed smoke from her hands and started to float in the air with smokey wings the color of the dark night.

There was no mistaking that it was someone else. Yanoru's quirk was like no other. Then you saw her eyes and almost cried out. She had those same silver eyes as your sister did. But they looked different. Her eyes almost looked glazed over. As if it wasn't actually her in control.

Izuku who was couched next to you was frozen in fear. Once his eyes landed on the mask that Yanoru wore he knew that all of you were in deep shit.

It was a plague mask.

Oh shit
Shits about to go down
And yeah
Short chapter
I need to start planning these chapters
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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