Chapter 30

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The next time you woke up, you were beyond pissed.

All you wanted to do was cuddle up into the warmth that Bakugo provided but Kimiya's whines alerted you that she was hungry.

So, with a loud groan you pulled yourself out of Bakugo's grip and took your baby from Inko who had so graciously stayed awake the entire time to care for your baby.

As you sat in a separate room breastfeeding Kimiya, words that you didn't mean at the moment began to flash in your mind.

"I'm a horrible mother! I shouldn't be a mom! I'm not cut out for this!"

At the time, you didn't exactly mean it. It was just the heat of the moment that made you spew those words but now they started to feel like the truth.

You had a trauma reaction in the middle of the night and acted out, leaving your baby to cry and for someone else to care for her.

But what bugged you most was what caused that response. A stranger had managed to remove your shirt while you slept and did things to you. You didn't like it one bit. The unconsented touches caused memories to flash trough your mind and your response did seem appropriate. But you abandoned Kimiya for those minutes, maybe hours.

And just thinking about it brought that night up once again.


It was just supposed to be a harmless party, a harmless way to take a break from work. You had gotten off from your patrolling shift that night with exhaustion coursing through your aching body.

Apparently crime was in high demand that night.

When you got home, your initial plan was to plop down into bed and pass out right then and there but e/n had another plan. When you opened the door he was standing there in front of you with a red dress hanging in his hands.

"Hey there beautiful." he said with a smile that you once found charming.

"Hey." you said tiredly.

"Why don't you be a dear and go put this on for me?" he said suggestively as he walked over to you and handed you the dress.

"Is there a reason or are we playing dress up?" you respond with a tired chuckle. You turned the fabric over in your hands and noticed that there wasn't a lot of fabric to begin with.

"I got invited to a party that a friend of mine is hosting. Thought that I might bring you along as a plus one." he said as he ran his hands up and down your sides and kissing the crook of your neck.

"Alright." you said as you pushed him away and made your way to the bed room that you two shared.

When you finally had the dress on you looked yourself up and down in the mirror. The red fabric had a deep neckline that plummeted to just above your belly button, barely covering your breasts. The back, well, there was no back of the dress. Just your smooth s/c skin. The dress itself was really short and skimpy.

Almost as if it wasn't really supposed to be a dress but lingerie instead. You were just a tad bit uncomfortable but you could put that aside as you did your hair and makeup.

While in the car and on the way to the party your boyfriend made it quiet clear that he wanted you to let loose that night and have fun, not be the buzz kill pro-hero that you were at work.

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