Chapter 42

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Alright y'all, get ready for a shitty attempt at making a chapter that matters to the plot but also trying to make it happy.

I tried

You were sleeping soundly for what seems like the first time in forever. Well you were sleeping peacefully until you felt something pocking and prodding at your eye lids. You slowly peek your eyes open to see your very excited five year leaning over you with a wide smile that shone brighter that the sun.

"What do you want Kimiya?" you mumbled in your sleepy voice.

When Kimiya noticed that you were awake she took to flying around the room.

"Mommy mommy!" she said on repeat as she waited for you to fully wake. Seeing her this happy put a smile onto your face as you watched her zip around. "Look at me go! Look at me go!"

You smiled even more as you saw just how happy she was.

"I see you my little goddess." you say as you continue to watch.

"Mommy?" she asked as she stopped her flying around and plopped down in your lap and tucking her wings away.

"Yes?" you say as you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her on top of you as you resumed lying down.

"C-can we stat trwaining today?" she says in a whisper like tone as she chews on her nails.

You think about it closely as Shigaraki's words ring in your ears.

You'll need to start training her sooner or later, might as well start now.

True that those words were bitter and you were reminded of how things could go wrong so easily, but if you just take it easy and go at a slow pace maybe she'll be safe.

She looks up at you expectantly as she senses your hesitation hanging in the air. Then your e/c color eyes look down to meet her blue ones. Slowly you put a fake smile onto your face and boop her nose as she giggles and laughs.

"You sure?" you question, just to make sure that she's okay with this.

Excitedly she jumps up and starts celebrating on top of you which makes you groan in pain.

"Yes I'm sure I'm sure!" she says excitedly.

"Alright then." you say with a small huff. "We can start after I make you breakfast. Why don't you go wake someone up so they can help us while I get your food ready?"

She nods happily as she then leaves the room with her wings folded and trailing behind her. As soon as she's out of the room you let your smile slip and as you bury your head in your hands while sitting on the edge of your bed.

You might as well as start her training now so that way she can get used to it. But why do you feel as if something is going to go wrong?

You quickly get up and out of bed after quickly changing and brushing through your knotted hair and going downstairs to start breakfast like you said you would.

When you made it to the kitchen you took things into consideration. If she was going to train today she would need foods that are rich in proteins and vitamins and she would need to eat more consistently. She would also need a resting and sleeping schedule so she wouldn't run out of energy.

So maybe a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit would do?

You gathered the things you needed and began preparing the oatmeal with a small amount of fruits that you managed to find on the last supply run. As it was cooking and preparing you prepared her a small glass of orange juice.

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