Chapter 43

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(feel like shit but imma try my hardest, srry if no make sense)

(temporary Dabi x y/n. unless...)

Kimiya was as of now training her reincarnation quirk with Eri. Although Rewind and Reincarnation were different quirks on their own, they still went hand in hand with each other.

Although Rewind reversed the state of any object or organism to its original state, possibly further, Reincarnation only worked on living organisms with tricks of it's own. It either reversed the organism back to any previous form or it allowed it to become something entirely different.

So since the quirks were so similar it was Eri who trained Kimiya under Aizawa's supervision incase things got out of hand.

Hawks was also there so he could help her with flying but that was it.

Kimiya had been adamant on keeping a consistent training schedule all while abiding to your wishes of leaving time for her to rest. She only worked with the others every other day but sometimes she took two days to herself.

Kimiya was proud of herself for doing something so grown. And you were proud as well, but it felt that she was growing too fast. It also felt as if she was addicted to the training.

Each and everyday she would push herself more than the last without anyone knowing. She even trained while everyone was sleeping. You often found yourself healing your five, almost six, year olds wounds quite often. The worry grew within you each day as you watched her with the patient and unwavering eyes of a mother.

Dabi had taken notice of your worry while others passed it off as something small. After all, when Dabi was a child he also tried to push himself to prove something.

So he saw where you were coming from.

You stood in the kitchen with a cup of tea/coffee as you gazed off into space. How had this already started to go south? You wanted her to have a normal childhood for the sake of her sanity but she was already going "bad".

Is there a way to undo this?

Dabi has taken to sitting at the counter with you and listening to you as you ranted about your worries and concerns. He tried to be kind an optimistic, but there wasn't much he could offer. Eventually with all your ranting and crying, time had passed and it was now lunch time.

You began to prepare lunch for those who were outside and working hard whilst you sent Dabi to fetch said hardworking people.

When Dabi stepped outside he saw just how focused and determined the child was. He watched as her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to reincarnate a random bug carcass that was found. The bug started to glow that familiar and warm light. When the light cleared the bug was no longer a bug or dead for that matter, but instead it was now a flower.

He was surprised, no doubt about that, but he saw how the poor child's hands had started to crack and bleed. As he was walking over he also saw how everyone else seemed to share his concern. Kimiya turned her head as saw one of her favorite people walking her way.

She jumped with excitement and began to fly with incredible speed toward the scared man. She was so fast he just barely caught her as they shared a short and simple hug.

"Dabiiiii." Kimiya squealed, dragging out the last constant. He smiled toward her but it wasn't a happy one, it was a pitiful one.

"Hey there monster." Dabi says lovingly as he rests the child on his hip and starts to carry her inside. "Your mom is making lunch."

"Yay! Mommy's lunch is the best!" Kimiya exclaims innocently as she fiddles with Dabi's shirt.

"Ya' know." Dabi starts. "Your mom's worried about you."

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