Chapter 23

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When the trio got back to U.A. the tears in their eyes were rather obvious to everyone when they stepped in the door.

Some of their minds immediately went to the possibility that they had found your dead body. But it was quite the opposite. They were still stunned that you were alive and happy with the villains.

Inko went over to her distress son and pulled him into a hug as Todoroki broke down in Yanoru's arms. Bakugo on the other hand immediately ran to find Kirishima. The least that he could do to brighten his friends mood was let him know that you were alive.

Aizawa saw that Bakugo was set on something but he also knew that he had some sort of information. So, doing what any rational person would do, Aizawa followed Bakugo as he ran to Kirishima's room.

When Bakugo burst through the door with tears in his eyes Kirishima immediately straightened up and braced for the news that your dead body was found. But what he heard instead was a shock.

"She's alive."

3 days later, that night in the LOV base (39 weeks/ 9 months)

When the argument with Dabi and Compress didn't stop, it resumed after Dabi checked on you, Toga and Kurogiri made the executive decision that you would be staying in Shigaraki's room.

At first Toga wanted you to stay with her but Spinner and Kurogiri made it obvious that all she would do is poke and prod at you. Which was not something he wanted.

Kurogiri recommended that he be an option but it was clearly stated by you that you needed close contact and you didn't think he would exactly enjoy that.

So Shigaraki was put forward and he didn't argue. For the first few nights that you stayed with him, he seemed a bit hesitant to touch you, possibly because he was still in the mind set that he was going to hurt you with the quirk he no longer had.

So after talking to him for a good bit of time, you managed to to convince him to lay back down and do his job in providing warmth and cuddles.

Tonight was no different.

You had to talk him into cuddles but he was getting more comfortable by the minute. After a few minutes of cuddles, his hand had found its way around your waist and came to rest on your stomach. You felt as his hand traced gentle and light shapes onto the skin your shirt didn't cover. And it was nice.

At some point his gentle traces had lulled you into a nice and peaceful sleep.

The next time you woke, you could tell that there was something wrong. Shigaraki was still behind you, you were still breathing, the pillow was still between your legs.

That's when you realized what had happened.

The pillow that was between your legs was soaking wet. You began to shift around and removed the pillow to inspect it further. You hadn't had an accident while you were sleeping did you? That would be embarrassing.

You turned on the lamp that Shigaraki had on his bedside table to illuminate the pillow. Looking closer, it was clear liquid.

Oh shit.

Panic began to envelope your senses as you dropped the pillow to the floor. You look down at the bed and see that the towel that you were laying on was also slightly wet. Shigaraki is still soundly asleep when you feel a sharp pain in your stomach.

Contraction 1

You start to take struggled breaths as the pain hits you like a freight train from hell. But when the pain passes a couple minutes later you waste no time in trying to wake Shigaraki.

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