Chapter 37

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There was an argument brewing on the roof top late into the night.

"I can't fucking believe you Tomura!" you shout at the male as you pace back and forth from one side of the roof top to the other.

"I am dead serious y/n! We need to start her training now!" Shigaraki says as he throws his hands up in exasperation.

"No we don't! We have lived five almost six years like this we can go longer than that, it's not a big deal!" you argue back as you start to get closer to him but still keep pacing.

"No we can't. What if they keep evolving? We need to get out of this as soon as possible. Things are only going to get worse." he says as he starts to quiet down from his shouting but is still serious.

"Tomura you said it yourself! She needs to grow up with a childhood so she's not ruined and dejected like all of us!" you say with tears threatening to spill. "She's five shiggy. FIVE! She's a child, I don't wanna do this to her! I don't want to put the weight of the world on her shoulders when she's still as fragile as glass!"

"But I was still as fragile as glass and all this shit still happened to me! Do you think the world cared when I turned dark? No! It didn't." he says as tears of his own threaten to spill.

"And it's no ones fault! You are blaming the world for shit that you did on your own!" you say as you get quieter then louder.

"But what is the problem with starting her now? There is no harm in starting her now." he says as he crosses his arms over his hips sassily.

"The worst outcome is that she turns into one of you!" you shout in the heat of the moment. And at that, Shigaraki seems a bit taken back as if he was offended.

"What do you mean one of us?" he asks in a quiet and questioning voice that contrasted with the mean and offended look he wore.

"She could turn into a villain! She could grow to be a murderer or while she's trying to bring the world back to normal like you so desperately want, she could die in the process." at the thought of her dying trying to save the world you completely shatter.

Although Kimiya's conception wasn't exactly intentional that didn't mean you wanted her gone. Much less dying for something that would only make things worse.

"And why do you want everything to be back to normal so badly?" you ask quietly. "If things go back to normal, you'll be a villain again. You'll be listed as an outlaw, you'll be arrested for your crimes."

"But things will change!" Shigaraki shouts with a mischievous look on his face. "I can finally make things how I want them to be! And what's a little harm in getting hurt at a young age? She'll survive. Maybe..."

Then he starts to laugh to himself but it begins to grow crazed and maniacal. It scared you. And then it finally occurred to you why they were villains in the first place. Although Dabi and Compress had changed for the better, Shigaraki had seemed to grow more corrupted.

That's when you started to cry even more. You fell to your knees as it began to rain as you cried and screamed your heart out. This man only wanted to use your child so he can have his version of society that he has been trying to achieve for years.

Your screams echoed in the night and as it rang Shigaraki finally broke out of his daze. He now stares at you as you break down in thought as he realizes the impact of his intrusive thoughts. Truth be told he did think that with Kimiya he could have his version of the future and he knew that it was wrong to use a child like that. It also scared him with the thought that Kimiya could die in the process of saving everyone.

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