Chapter 2

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It has been 3 days since the outbreak.

The outbreak that turned the world upside-down. Zombies took over and whoever did survive, changed. Not like into zombies, but they weren't the same as they used to be.

It has been 3 days since I found out. And there wasn't anything I could do about it. I was going to be stuck like this forever. In the little time since the first attack took place . . .

"Y/N BEHIND YOU!" Izuku screamed. I turn as fast as my body would allow and released the arrow and watched as it whizzed through the skull of one of the dead. I pulled another arrow out of its quiver and knocked it in place and released arrow after arrow.

The hoard wasn't big, but it was a decent size. Me, Izuku, amd Todoroki stood in a group and attacked.

Me, armed with a bow and some arrows, Izuku armed with a pistol, and Todoroki armed with a machete in one hand and gun in the other.

Now you might be thinking, "why don't you just use your goddamn quirks?" Well, there is a good reason. We quickly found out that the zombies where attracted to the usage of quirks. Kind of like a magnet. But it also hurt to use our quirks.

Yeah sure, sometimes when things were how they used to be we would get hurt all the time. But now, when they are used it just hurts, even if it's just one percent. It feels like internal stabbing or our bodies tense and seize. And it really hurts.

And the worst part is that we don't even know how this happened in the first place. We think that it could've been the LOV but we have no evidence. It could've been them, overhaul, someone else. We don't know. Eventually the hoard was cleared.

The bodies were piled up on the ground and blood oozed from their mouths and the cuts caused from our attacks. And the smell was awful. Like rotting flesh and garbage. I drop my bow to the floor and follow close by on my knees.

"N-no, no, no." I start muttering under my breath. I close my eyes and focus on trying to breathe but the smell doesn't make it any better. My stomach lurch's and the last thing I ate -from yesterday- came up in little chunks. Next to me, there is a skittering like movement on gravel and my hair is being pulled out of my face and there is a hand being rubbed up and down my back.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, just let it all out." I hear Izuku say.

"Y/n... this is the third time today, and it's not even noon yet. Are you okay? Is there something that you need to tell us?" Todoroki says in question as he helps me slowly sit up. And we sit there in silence as I collect my thoughts and calm my breathing. And there was something that I needed to tell them but I don't know how. How would I tell them? How would they take it? Would they help me when the time came?

"Umm... I-I just don't feel good. That's all." I lie.

"You don't feel good? Did you get hurt? Did you get bit?" Izuku asks me in panic as he checks my arms and legs for bite marks or cuts.

"No Zuku, I'm fine. It must've been from something I ate." I reply as I stand up and grab my bow while covering my nose. "And it might also be this horrible smell."

We quickly grab our things and continue our search. We were looking for food, water, and any survivors. But not just any survivors, we were looking for our families. Izuku was looking for his mom. Todoroki was looking for his siblings and mother. And I was looking for... anyone at this point. Someone new.

Sure I had Izuku and Todoroki, but they changed. Izuku is tougher, colder. Yes he's still caring but he's brutally loving about it. He wasn't as sweet as he used to be. Todoroki on the other hand is really cautious. Scared, even.

4 hours later

We where walking down the street but it was oddly silent. There were no people, no zombies, nothing. It was empty. With he chance given we walked into stores and took the bottled waters that were left and took the non-perishable food or whatever was light.

Remember to travel light.

As we ransacked the store there was a noise. When we first walked into the store, we made the decision to split up to cover more ground. And besides, we could all fend for ourselves. But the noise was loud, and it was close. And in the zombie apocalypse and all those "fictional" movies, it was common sense to not make noise. I stop packing the food that I found and sling the bag onto my back and the bow off my back and knock an arrow.

I start to slowly stalk through the aisles while staying quiet and close to the ground. It might've been a zombie but there where no moans or groans or any other noises after that one. I walk closer to the spot and find that it was by the door and the door was wide open.

In a flash I am picked up and smashed against the glass walls with so much force that it cracks. My bow slips out of my hand but before it falls to the floor the person gently catches it and lowers it to the floor. I open my eyes and am met with burning eyes that are mixed with silver and black swirls.

This person has long black hair that shines brown like coffee in the light and beautiful tannish skin. She. Was. Beautiful. But there was a murderous look in her eyes. I only then realize that she has a hand over my mouth and something sharp pressed against my throat.

"Yanni! Let. Y/n. Go."

Second chapter let's goooo.
But hey!
Guess who made an appearance~
Yanoru "Yanni" Hamadozo!!!
Whom is my FAVORITE oc
I love her.
And we got more dramaaaaaa
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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