Chapter 46

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3rd POV???

Their hearts dropped at the sight of the bloody child. Her head hung low but that didn't prevent them from seeing the small bruises and cuts that marred her face.

"You really think that we would just leave her alone?" one of the hooded figures said from beside Kimiya. Eri raised her weapon in defense and ready to attack while Todoroki got ready to fight along side her.

But the other hooded figure took notice of how a fight seemed to be brewing so they grabbed a fistful of the child's hair and puller her head back to reveal her throat where they then placed a knife.

"What do you want?" Eri viciously spat toward the hooded two.

The figures then dropped their hoods to reveal them. Yanoru with her black and clouded silver eyes was holding the knife to her nieces throat with that mask obscuring most of her face, but she also had that horrid pronged collar that brought bad memories to both her and Eri. Too bad Yanoru didn't seem like the Yanoru they all know and love.

On the other side of Kimiya stood Overhaul.

Eri knew that there was a likely hood that Overhaul was behind this but she just wished that she wasn't right. Just because she hasn't seen him in ages didn't mean that she still didn't fear him for the hell that he put her through.

She was shaking furiously beside Todoroki as her gaze never left Overhauls figure.

"I want revenge." Overhaul said as he extended his arms wide and open. Then without warning, the whole room bursts out into red warning lights as they see that the room is massive. Behind Overhaul and them, the room opens further and there stand several people armed and ready to kill.

Time seemed to freeze.

Time seemed to freeze as Overhaul gave his minions the signal to attack.

Time seemed to freeze as Eri shouted into the ear-piece that they needed help.

Time seemed to freeze as shots where fired.

With Jiro and Compress

They had found themselves in a dark and quiet corridor on the opposite of the building from Eri and Todoroki.

They had been on high alert just incase the two of them ran into trouble, but it seemed that there was no one there. It was really quiet, maybe too quiet.

Then suddenly, their ear-pieces burst to life.

"SHE'S HERE!" they heard Eri scream through the comms with a frightened and loud voice. Then through the comms as well as out loud, they heard gun fire echo about in the dark corridor.

They also heard loud screams mixed in with the gun fire.

Jiro recognized that scream and immediately dropped to the ground and slammed her earphone jack into the floor with such force that it cracked. She closed her eyes and focused on pin pointing the sounds to try and get a location. She found one but it was extremely chaotic.

There where stampeding footfalls that echoed in her ears. It sounded like there were tons of them.

'So they're not alone.' Jiro thought to herself.

She picked her fallen gun up and off of the floor and looked to Compress.

"I found them! But I think they're in trouble!" she says with urgency as she begins to run down the halls to the room she heard the chaos coming from.

Jiro frantically ran through the halls and took fast and sharp turns with Compress right on her tail with the same level of panic coursing through his veins. The duo spotted the door just down the hall and saw how brightly lit it was with the fire from the guns and (presumably) Todoroki's quirk.

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