Chapter 35

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"Your WHAT?"

Kimiya had come running into the room with Todoroki hot on her tail.

"Don't listen to her, she's a liar!" Todoroki said in a panic.

The two of them stare at me with expectancy as if they were waiting for me to make the final decision.

"Hold on." I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes in an attempt to keep whatever patience I have left. "You had a knife? Where the hell did you get a knife?"

"Dabi." she says with a proud smile.

"Snitch..." Dabi says from his spot on the couch opposite of me.

"You gave my five year old child a KNIFE???" I say in exasperation toward the scared male. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???"

From the corner of my eye I see Todoroki and Kimiya both begin to slip around and out of the corner. Very quickly I snap to them and point at them in disdain.

"You two stay right the fuck were you are." I say angrily.

"Dabi you gave a child a knife, do you know how irresponsible that was of you? She could've hurt herself."  I lecture.

"Well, think about it." he says as he puts his book aside and sits up and faces me. "If and when some of us aren't here and zombies manage to get in or some creep gets in, she can use it for self defense."

And I sit there with a shocked and disappointed look on my face? That was barely any reason to give her a knife. I always left her in good hands and besides, she should be getting her quirk pretty soon. That's if the files were right and she got one.

"How could a creep get in? This building is literally zombie proofed and filled with a bunch of ex-pro heroes and villains. We are dangerous on another level!" I shout in anger. Who was he to tell me what was good for my child and what not.

"Doll, someone got in before. And you should know damn well what happened last time." he says in a dangerously low voice.

"Pretend I don't know. What happened last time?" I say stupidly because in all honesty, I forgot what happened. I remember that it was something bad but it was all a blur. It was as if the memory was locked away and it needed a trigger to be unlocked.

"Dabi don't-"

"y/n you had a damn melt down and your sister left and never came back!" he shouts as he starts to get into my face. " do y6ou want that to happen again? With your daughter? What if she goes next?"

As the words flowed from Dabi's mouth like lava made of angry words, the memory unlocked itself. Then I do remember what happened.

A heavy and thick silence blankets us all as we stand there. The tension was so thick that you could practically see it or cut it with a knife and serve it on a platter. Kimiya sits there in utter shock as she learns of this new information.

But that was my fault. I had never told her about her aunt. It hurt me too much to even think about her, much less tell her that she ran away from us. Todoroki has a firm grasp on her shoulders as he gently guides the child from the room.

Now it is just the two of us.

Dabi's face drops into a neutral expression as he sits back down and stares at me.

"She needs protection at all times. And you know this. If she had it she would be able to protect herself-"

"I would never leave my child alone. Not now, not ever." and with the final words spoken I get up and storm out of the dorms, curious gazes watching my every move.

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