Chapter 13

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After Yanoru and Inko leave we resume our little cuddle session as the heats begins to gather up once again. But I can't bring myself to close my eyes and officially succumb to sleep because Kirishima's words replay over and over again.

Let me help you.

Let me help you.

I didn't want to assume, but was this his way of asking me out? And why now of all times. Now being in the middle of the friggin zombie apocalypse and me being pregnant. But then Yanoru's words repeat in my head as well.

And you sure do deserve happiness in your life right about now.

And she was right.

Not to be selfish or anything, but I also think that I deserve some happiness right about now.

5 weeks later (4 months pregnant)

To say that I wanted to die was a huge understatement. But then again, a lot of things I thought were understatements. The last five weeks had been a mess. I was also in great amounts of pain.

Firstly, we forgot to check the building for zombies and managed to do a sweep before things got bad. Somewhere on the upper floors there was a room full of zombies. As we did the sweep we found that the school was barren except for zombies. How had people not thought to go to U.A.?

After we had did the sweep of the school, we made a floor plan. The decision was to share at most two classrooms on the same level as the kitchen so we wouldn't have to be making lengthy walks to and from our resources.

In one classroom we had Hizashi, Aizawa, Yanoru, Eri, and Inko.

In the other we had me, Kirishima, Izuku, and Todoroki.

And that's were we currently were. The moon had risen a while ago and we all decided to turn in for the night. But based on what was happening right now, I was beginning to wish that we didn't stick the boys in the same room as me.

As I was getting ready for bed, they would all try to help me with various things such as making the beds, finding my pajamas, stuff like that. But there was all this anger that filtered between them and I would sometimes find them glaring at each other after they helped me do a certain thing.

When it was finally time to lay down, the tension only grew. You see, sometimes I would sleep by myself but I would mostly sleep with Kirishima because he provided plenty of heat. When Izuku argued that I could sleep by myself perfectly fine, because I could, Kirishima would argue right back with the fact that I was now with child and just recently had hypothermia. And that factor won the argument because the nights were getting colder and it would only worsen because we didn't have a working heater.

So tonight I was lying down with Kirishima like I had several nights before. We settled down comfortably and listened as the crickets outside chirped. Usually I would sleep facing Kirishima, because why not, but now that I was beginning to show a bit more, I had to start sleeping with my back toward his chest.

It was much later in the night. That I knew. But what I didn't know was why there was this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like something was wrong.

I slowly maneuvered out from under Kirishima's arm and went to the bathroom because I had to pee when I heard groaning from down the hall. And usually groaning meant zombies, but this groan was definitely human and it was coming from one of the bathrooms.

The womans bathroom to be specific.

I slowly approach the bathroom and make sure that my steps are quiet as to not be heard. When I get to the doorway of the bathroom the groans can still be heard but so can soft sniffles.

Walking further into the bathroom I see that one of the stall doors is thrown open and I can see feet peeking out from underneath. Then a sound like something being poured into the toilet is made and that's when I draw the last straw.

Rushing over to the stall I see Eri crouched over the toilet with her head cramped into the fucking bowl. Her body lurks forward and I am immediately at her side pulling her hair out of her face.

"Shh, it's okay sugar bee. Let it all out. I promise you'll feel better afterward." I coo as I run a hand up and down her back in a comforting manner

When it feels like she has finally stopped, I help her up and walk her over to the sink before helping her wash up a little. I leave her slumped against the wall as I go and finally use the bathroom like I had originally planned. When I return to her, she is curled into a ball on her side clutching her stomach.

"Eri, I need you to tell me what happened." I say as I (attempt to) crouch down next to her.

But all she does in response is just groans.

"Eri. I need a verbal answer." I say with an exhausted sigh.

"That was a verbal answer you mole-rat." she mumbles as I can see her shiver.

"Watch that attitude little girl." I softly snap.

"YeS mOm." she says in response with a small but pained smile. Glad to see that she's feeling like her usual self.

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to guess?" I restate.

"I don't know what happened. I just woke up to a stomach ache and ran here before I t-threw up." she says as she starts tearing up at the end. And soon a small sob breaks out of the small girl.

"Honey what's wrong?" I ask in panic as I pull her into a hug.

"I-i'm scared." she sobs.

"Why? Why are you scared?"

"I don't k-know." she says as she hugs me closer, and me doing the same in return. I stand up with the crying child in my arms and begin to walk back to my shared room. The poor girl either ate something wrong or the amount of stress is getting to her. I wouldn't blame her. If this happened to me when I was 12, I would've done the unspeakable.

I've tried.

Quickly shutting that thought down, I hug her closer as I approach the door of the classroom. Using my occupied hand to open the door, I walk in with a quietly sniffling Eri and walk to the far corner where my bed with Kirishima is.

"If you can't tell. You're spending the rest of the night with me." I whisper to the girl as I feel her slowly nod her head against my shoulder.

When I get to the mattress I set her down and go to fetch a bucket just in case she needs to throw up at all later tonight. While I was getting the bucket I let Inko know that Eri wasn't feeling good and that she would spend the rest of the night with me.

When I get back to the room with the bucket, I can see her sitting up but slowly falling asleep as her head slightly lulls to the side.

And right next to her, sitting up and half awake, is Kirishima as he places a gentle hand on her back. As I get closer he looks up at me with a small question written on his face.

"She was throwing up so I brought her back." I whisper.

"How did you know?" he whispers back as I put the bucket down and he gently lays her down.

"I had a feeling when I got up to use the bathroom." I say as I get into bed between Eri and Kirishima, my back to his chest and her curled up along my front.

"Heh." he chuckles.

"What?" I ask.

"You already have that motherly instinct."

"You're gonna be a wonderful mom."

Holy bronchitis tits
I'm so tired and it's only 7pm lol
My life is a mess lol
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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