Chapter 16

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The crowd of people stood there and watched as y/n's body shriveled and twitched in pain as her cries rang in their ears. Yanoru was trying to fight the pain in her body as she tried her hardest to get over to y/n to help with the pain.

She was the only one in the group that had any sort of medical experience, at least that's what they think.

The newcomers stand there and watch the scene before them unfold with wide and fearful eyes. They also couldn't help but stare at the crying woman's stomach, because it was rather obvious she was pregnant. And they couldn't help but feel sorrowful and worry at the unborn child in her body.

How would the child fare? Is the child hurt from the use of the mothers quirk? They wouldn't know.

Y/n on the other hand had never felt pain like this before. Sure she had tried to use her quirk in the early days of the apocalypse but that was when the child was still a mere egg. No bigger than an apple seed. But now, she is now more than seven months pregnant. The pain had felt like scolding knives being dug into her skin and that her bones were filled and made of shattered glass.

Maybe it was because of the pent up energy of her quirk. Her quirk is what they called "saint." The quirk gave the user angel-like abilities. They had wings that were either made of feathers or pure light. It also gave the user a halo and the ability to heal any physical or mental wounds. They also spew pure light from any wished part of their body.

And it worked rather well with Yanoru's quirk since they were basically opposites.

She cried like there was no tomorrow and the man who held her was going to worry himself sick as he stared down at her with tears of his own in his eyes.

His heart broke when he heard her pained cried through the glass as he watched her collapse to the floor. And in this situation he felt...useless. That all too familiar feeling would creep up his back ever so often and the horrors of his past would replay in his mind, but it was especially bad now.

He felt useless as he watched the person he loved suffer in pain, as he watched them cry until he was sure that their throat would be sore tomorrow. But he also feared for her and her child.

He so desperately wanted to help her through the pregnancy and help raise the child, but seeing this pain that she was in was a part of her pregnancy and he couldn't help her, it broke him.

He was useless.

Maybe it would be better if he just left.

But he couldn't.

He had to help her. He could barely protect her when they were in highschool and he could barely protect her from the father of the child.

He slowly picker her up so he wouldn't put her in more pain and rushed inside with the others following behind and Yanoru in Izuku's arms

They walked into the building just as the zombies within a five mile radius started to show up. Hizazshi, Aizawa, and one of the newbies with ash blond hair stayed behind to barricade the doors with the desks as everyone else rushed up the stairs.

As the others rushed up the stairs the clattering of desks and steps rang through the stairwell as well as y/n's attempt to muffle and lessen her screams because she knows that if she screams in this stairwell, it's echo and burst someones eardrum. When they had made it to their designated floor they rushed into the office and set the two girls down on the beds.

In a room that was in the office, Kirishima prepared two warm baths for Yanoru's and y/n's frozen bodies and aching limbs.

On the beds, Todoroki tried his damndest to keep them warm with his naturally high body heat, thanks to his quirk, but the girls only groaned and let out little pained sounds.

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