Chapter 22

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Time skip (8 months pregnant)

Some time had gone by since you've been kidnapped and things weren't getting any easier. Somehow, the LOV base still had power and water. Even though your phone had died a long time ago, you managed to find a charger that fit your phone and charged it to figure out the date and time, for this information was very important for your pregnancy.

Doing the calculations based on when you found out, you find that you are in your third trimester and 37 weeks pregnant. Damn near the full 9 months. And you would admit that you were beginning to panic, but not out loud.

So with the help of your access to the internet and helpful conversations with Compress, you began the necessary preparation for when the baby did come.

Compress offered his room to you so that way you had a place to stay instead of the old couch in the living room. But when Dabi caught wind of that, he protested that his room would be best and gave the argument that you shouldn't be alone during this time. Which then led to compress saying that you could stay with him but it sprouted an argument between the two.

Not being in the mood to deal with the shouting, you leave Compress' room and wander down the hall to the living room where Kurogiri and Shigaraki are talking while cleaning up a bit. It was actually Kurogiri's idea to start cleaning up a bit since there was soon to be a baby and the current state of their base was not exactly ideal for raising an infant.

When Shigaraki's eyes landed on you, he doubled over with the trash in his arms and began laughing his ass off. Kurogiri, who had no clue what was happening, rushed over to Shigaraki's side to catch him before he hit the floor.

You cast a confused glance at the laughing and concerned duo before shrugging your shoulders and walking into the kitchen where a bag of chips that was resting on the counter was calling your name.

But as soon as you go to open it, a hand comes from behind you and snatches it away from you. When you turn to see the thief of your snack you come face to face with Toga.

"What the hell?!" you shout at her as you attempt to grab the snack back from her.

But in response she just tosses the snack in the top of an open cabinet and closes it. "Nuh-uh young miss. That's not healthy eating."

"What? Since when do you care about my eating habits?" you ask as you give up trying to get it back and cross your arms over your chest. But you immediately uncross your arms when you feel how sensitive they are under the pressure of your arms.

Since when???

Shigaraki stands up from his laughing fit and comes over to you whipping a tear from his eyes.

"What the hell were you laughing at?" you ask in annoyance.

"You know, you look like a penguin when you walk." he says back with a smile on his face.

"And what does that mean?" you ask as you sassily place your hands on your hips.

"I think that he means that you waddle when you walk." Toga pitches in with a replica of Shigaraki's smile on her face. "And he's not wrong."

Shigaraki and Toga erupt into laughter as you stand there utterly pissed off. You storm off into the living room shoving past Kurogiri who tries to avoid your upset figure. When you get to the couch in the living room, the two who are sitting on the couch feel the shift in the air and look at you with frightful eyes.

You plop down on the couch with a heavy sigh as the silence envelopes you.

Spinner and Twice who were just sitting there on the couches glance at each other then back at you to find tears flowing down your cheeks. Now they are really frightened.

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