Chapter 6

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It has been 6 days since Izuku and Todoroki had left. And I wasn't feeling any better that when they were here. I was still throwing up like crazy and it seems like Aizawa and Hizashi are starting to take notice.

Just as I was walking out of the bathroom, throwing up again, Hizashi was there waiting for me in the hall. "Y/n. Something's not right." He said as he beckoned me to follow him down to he living room where Aizawa and a very guilty looking Yanoru sat while Eri was coloring.

That bitch. She didn't.

"Y/n take a seat. We need to talk." Aizawa said.

"Well it seemed that everyone needs to talk to me these days." I retort as I sit next to Yanoru on the couch. While I sat down I pinched her thigh. At my gesture of revenge she seemed to flinch away a little.

"We're serious y/n. Ever since you've arrived you've been throwing up at least twice a day. That's not right. And according to Midoriya and Todoroki you've been throwing up since the start. What the heck is going on? And I swear upon All Might if you say nothing I will risk using some damn quirks." Aizawa says.

"Language." Hizashi mutters as his gaze falls to Eri who briefly glances up at us before resuming her activities. And in response Aizawa just grumbles.

As their peering gaze's remain on me, I start shaking. Not uncontrollably, but I can feel my hands shaking and my fingers twitching. I know that Yanoru said that I would eventually have to tell everyone but i didn't want to be pressured into it. It just didn't feel right.

"I-I'll tell you when the time comes." I whisper. But even though I whispered, my response carried throughout the room like ripples from a wave. Aizawa moves to argue my response but in my peripherals I see Yanoru move toward him and he immediately stops.

"Fine." He mutters before walking into the kitchen and making a cup of coffee. Yanoru also gets up and walks into the kitchen but quickly walks back out with two things, one in each hand. She slowly holds one hand out to me.

It's a twinky.

I accept the snack but don't open it as she plops down in her spot with her legs gently placed across my lap. She opens hers and, mid bite, stares at me with stunning eyes. She slowly lowers her snack and gives me a sad look. "Y/n, it's okay. You can eat it."

Listening to her words with caution, I peel back the wrapper and take a small bite as the squishy yellow cake disintegrates in my mouth. In front of us, Hizashi is watching us with an interested and intense stare.

"Y/n, sweet pea, do you have an eating disorder?" He whispers so neither Eri or Aizawa hear him. At this, Yanoru chokes on her twinky and immediately sits up coughing. After her coughing fit, she has a smile on her face. "Yanoru, what the hell is so funny about this? This is serious." Hizashi says sternly.

And from the kitchen Aizawa enters with his steaming cup of coffee. "LaNguAngE." He mimicked. At that, both me and Yanoru begin to crack up.

"Guys! Can we please focus on the original question?" Hizashi says a little louder than necessary. As the laughing pipes down and the tears are wiped from my eyes, the heavy silence settles in.

Did I have an eating disorder? Gods no.

"Umm, no. I don't have an eating disorder. But like I said before, I'll tell you when the time comes." I say as I take a decent sized bite of my twinky. They really were good.

Time skip to later that night

As the four of us settled down to eat dinner there was a knock at the door. An unfamiliar one. Quickly we all hid. Me taking Eri and crawling under the table with her ears covered and hugged close to my body. Hizashi and Yanoru stood on standby with guns as Aizawa took his crossbow and walked closer to the door.

We tried to keep as quiet as possible as he discreetly peeked through the curtains. During my third day here, the 3 of them had run me through emergency situations where we would be needed to fight, hide, or gather. And right now, we were hiding.

"It looks like Midoriya." Aizawa whispers. And it takes every muscle in my body to not just get up and open that door. Instead I wait as I hear him open the door. Ass soon as the door opens there is loud stumbling noises and stampeding foot steps. From where they are crouching in front of the table, I see them peek their heads out and start for the living room.

With curiosity building up, I tell Eri to follow until the corner so she is still hidden and I se an. . . Interesting sight.

Standing in the living room is Aizawa, Hizashi, Yanoru, Todoroki, Izuku, Ms. Midoriya, and. . . Endeavor?

"I can't believe you shot Endeavor!" Exclaimed Yanoru.

"I have little to no remorse." Todoroki said with a cold and emotionless face.

"I-is he still breathing?" Inko says as she clutches her hands close and peers at Endeavors pale body as Todoroki drops him to the floor.

"Tch, barely." Todoroki replies.

"Why did you bring him back? You should've just left him to die." Yanoru says as she crosses her arms and shifts her weight to one hip.

"He man's built like a god damn tank, he could be useful." Izuku angrily says.

Aizawa crouches down to the floor and places two finger on a spot underneath Endeavor's jaw and sighs. "Welp! He's dead."

A silence settles on the room. But that is quickly disturbed as a snort is heard. All heads turn to look at Todoroki to see he is fighting a smile and stiffleing laughs with a closed fist. But he cracks under the pressure of our gazes and starts giggling and laughing uncontrollably.

Eventually, Yanoru and Izuku start giggling too.

"Oh my god their all insane." Hizashi whispers to no one in particular.

"Todoroki, I am never trusting you with a gun again." Izuku says with a poor attempt at a serious face.

"WHAT?! C'mon it was one time! Besides it was just the old man." Todoroki protests.

"Soooooo, are you just going to leave the body there or are you gonna get rid of it?" I ask from my spot near the wall. All the heads turn in my direction and eyes widen like saucers, but not at me. They are all looking down slightly at something to my right.

I also look down to my right to see Eri laughing maniacally on the floor.

Holy shit.

This was one crazy ass 12 year old.

"Oh my GOD! What is he wearing?" She asks as she wipes tears from her eyes. She gets up from her spot on the kitchen floor and goes toward Endeavors body before bending down and going through the dead man's pockets.

Then it was my turn to laugh. "Ya' know Eri, in old American history, it was illegal to pick the pockets of the dead." I say.

"Yeah well, what are they gonna do? Report me to the police?" She says as she finished with his pockets. In he pockets of his torn clothes there were several knives. "Alright now you can get rid of the body."

"Well damn." Aizawa mutters with a shocked expression.

"I just wanted to have a family dinner." He says tiredly.

Endeavors dead
How sad
I still have no clue how I'm gonna try to evolve this story.
But we'll see.
Anyways (again)
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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