Chapter 18

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3rd POV because I don't know how else to write this chapter

Dabi had walked through the cold night , not running into a single zombie, before he arrived back at the hideout's entrance. He looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms and released a gentle sigh at the sight.

Her face was that of a goddess. And with the cold night there was a slight pink hue dusting her cheeks as she subconsciously cuddled closer to the warmth that Dabi had provided. He let out a small chuckle and turned back to the door that he was standing in front of.

A small sense of guilt had built up in him as he carried her away from the school. Truth be told, he didn't want to take her. He didn't want to put the gun against her head. He didn't want to put the gun against the red-heads head to force her to come along.

He used his foot to softly knock against the door and patiently waited for it to be opened.

When 3 minutes had passed and the door still had yet to open he started to grow agitated. Maybe he hadn't knocked hard enough the first time? So then he proceeded to kick the door harder than last time. And again, the door remained unopened.

What the hell?

He didn't want to try to kick at the door again and opted for just opening the door himself. He shifted all of y/n's weight into one arm and tried to use the other to open the door.

After struggling for sometime, he managed to get the door open. When he walked through the threshold, he was welcomed with a rush of warm are that contrasted with the cold air outside. Closing the door and looking around, he then realized why the door hadn't been opened for him.

The hideout was empty.

Why did the fuckers leave? Dabi moved toward the couch and set the sleeping y/n down and moved his oversized jacket around her so that it was covering her like a blanket.

After he situated her, he went to go see if anyone was still in the base.

First, he went to Twice's room. And no surprise, it was empty. The same went for Kurogiri's, Compress', Spinner's, and Shigaraki's room. The only room he had yet to check was the room that belonged to the chaotic blond named Toga.

He hovered his hand above the door knob in hesitancy. Maybe her room was also empty and this was just a waste of time. And even if she was in there, what did he need her for? Deciding against opening the door he made his way to his room and gathered a pair of sweatpants with the least amount of holes as possible, some blankets, and some pillows as well.

When he procured his items, he set them down to change before gathering them up again and going out to y/n on the couch.

When he got back to her, she had moved her positions a little bit and it was barely noticeable that she was shivering underneath the thin jacket that she was using as a blanket. But she was shivering enough for Dabi to take notice. Thankfully he had grabbed the pair of sweatpants and ungodly amount o f blankets from his room.

He didn't know why he had so may blankets. It wasn't like he used them anyway. But now he was glad that he had them.

He took his jacket off of her and slowly adjusted her so that way he could slip the pants on over the shorts she wore. When he was done he started to place the blankets on top of her one by one while being cautious of her stomach and to not wake her.

After she was all set up and comfortable, Dabi stepped back to admire his work just as he heard the footsteps approaching.

He quickly took the gun from it's holster in his pants and pointed it in the direction of the noise. His finger hovered over the trigger as his turquoise eyes meet a pair of bright yellow eyes that belonged to none other than Toga.

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