Crack chapter 36

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(holy shit I have a raging headache and i'm starving, short chapter, will not count towards the ending chapters)

Short little gag funny chapter because idk how to write happy things.

Yanoru had come barreling into the common room just a few feet away from the kitchen with steam practically pouring from her ears.

"Are you al-"

"WHICH ONE OF YOU DICKWADS TOOK MY LAST TWINKIE???" she shouts, not giving a care if the noise attracts the dead fuckers known as zombies.

"What do you mean?" Hizashi asks like the slightly innocent bean he is.

"I mean." Yanoru starts with her eyes closed and her hands held in a prayer-like motion in front of her face like Gyomei from Demon slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba. "Who. Took. My. Last. TWINKY?"

"And why does it matter?" Shinso asked from his relaxed position on the couch.

Yanoru's head snaps her head to him in a slow and sadistic motion with sinister eyes. "Do you want to die?" she asks in a hoarse voice like a witch that deep throated a cyclops dick.

(I love trooping with comma- words by muffchoil while i was writing this crackass shit.)

Shinso sits there in silence with fear presence in his eyes as he stares at the enraged female. " wasn't me."

"Yanni why don-" Izuku  starts but is quickly stopped short in his idiotic rant.

"I swear to god if you tell me to calm down I will cut your dick off, cook it like a professional chef, and serve it to your mother on a silver platter." she says with a sweet smile that is sending the wrong message.

And Inko just sits there in stunned silence and thinks about how she'll only be eating whatever either you, Toga, or Bakugo cooks.

And you just sit there and watch the chaos unfold with your baby bouncing in your arms.

"Kinky." a voice mutters in the silence, but again in the silence which means everyone heard them loud and clear.

"Shut the fuck up you over-sized-piece-of-burnt-bacon-that-no-one-wants-in-their-mouth."

And now the silence is taken over with snorted giggles that come from the one and only crust crab.

Now it is Dabi's turn to be mad.

"You can't be laughing. You look like a walking STD." Dabi says while throwing a pillow at said walking STD.

Then an outright brawl starts between the two, which just pisses Yanoru off even more as you walk into the kitchen and share a bowl of popcorn with your fathers. Yanoru quickly beats the two of them over the head with a book that she pulled out of her ass and starts shouting once again.

"This isn't helping! Who took my last twinkie?"

"Why are you getting so worked up over this?" Bakugo asked from his spot on the floor in front of you.

All of you then turn your heads to him looking at him as if he were crazy.

"Katsuki." Yanoru says dangerously low. At the mention of his first name that is rarely used by the female he flinches back in fear.

To quickly avoid conflict with possibly throwing hands with her, he takes the baby from your arms, much to your dislike, and holds the baby in front of him like a shield.

"You can't and won't hit a baby!" he says panicked as Kimiya smiles in joy as she cluelessly looks around.

"These hands are rated E for everyone." Yanoru says as she raises her fists up and gets ready to throw hands with an infant.

"Do not hit my fucking baby you emo twerp." you say as you get up and snatch your baby from Bakugos arms.

"You wanna know what happens when you touch my twinkies without my permission?" Yanoru asks as she smiles sweetly at us all. Then she turns to Kirishima who begins to shrink under her piercing gaze.

"Kiri my love~" she coos with false sweetness as she walks over to the back of the couch and grips his shoulder harder than a man grips his dick.

"What happens when you take my twinkies without my permission? Especially the last one?"

"You die!" Kirishima says in a high pitched voice with fear laced through like weed laced through a brownie.

"Exactly." Yanoru says as she enunciates every syllable. "So, I will ask this one more time or else I will kill you all in your sleep. Who took my last MOTHERFUCKING TWINKIE?"

Silene takes over again until we hear a rapper crunching under pressure as Izuku shifts his weight to leave. Upon hearing the noise he made he freezes as he realizes he's been caught.

"Izuku Midoriya." Yanoru seeths as you silently pray for Izuku's well being. "What's in your pocket?"

"U-uh n-nothing?" he stammers as he tries to exit the room.

But he never gets the chance to leave as you dump your baby onto Aizawa's lap and tackle him to the ground to hold him there. Then Yanoru jumps in and goes through his pockets to find a freshly eaten twinkie wrapper in his pocket.

"You sON OF A BITCH!" Yanoru yells as she drags Izuku down the hall where she proceeds to beat him senseless.

There is a legend that you can still hear his screams echo in the night and that Inko still doesn't trust Yanoru's cooking 🙂


Yeah I didn't even try
My head hurts to much
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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