Chapter 9

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"Hey y/n." Eri asks from her spot on the counter.

"Sup sugar bee." I say as I organize the pantry that was now destroyed and messy. Yanoru ran out of twinkies. Dramatic bitch.

"Can we talk?" She says as she looks down at her feet and twiddles her thumbs. The gesture was all too familiar and was widely know as something she would do when she was nervous. Poor kid.

"Sure thing." I reply as I stop organizing and leave it too be.

It was currently just me and Eri at the house. Everyone else had gone off in teams to search for different resources. One for medical supplies, one for food, and one for ammunition. The soft piter pater of foot steps followed close behind me as I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Eri sat down next to me and there was an odd silence between us. Not uncomfortable but also not comfortable.

"Eri, what's on your mind?" I ask softly as to not scare the girl next to me.

"I-I umm..." she stutters hesitantly. At her answer she seems to grow agitated, but at herself. She takes a deep breath and holds it before releasing it and trying to answer again. "This is all just really scary and it reminds me of how things were."

How things were.

'Were' being:
Cooped up in one place all the time.
Surrounded by bad things.
Living in a horrible world.

Not much has changed for the poor child.

"I know that it's scary, but that's how things are now. And we don't even know why." I say as I pull her into a hug. Her head falls on my shoulder and I can feel the silence start to develop again.

Nope. Not this time.

"What have you been drawing lately?" I ask, trying to get her mind off of the monstrous and destructive topic of past trauma.

"W-what do you mean?" She says as I feel her tense up against me.

"Don't be silly." I chuckle. "Yes you are coloring all the time but I see you drawing in a sketch book sometimes. Show me?"

She hesitantly gets up and disappears upstairs before coming downstairs just as quickly. She stands before me and I can see an embarrassed blush covering her face.

"Oh c'mon. They shouldn't be bad." I say as I reach forward and make a grabbing motion. She seems to hesitate a bit before giving in and handing me the book.

As I hold it in my hands, I can feel the age and just how delicate it is. Carefully I open the book and begin looking.

Outstanding was a fucking understatement.

The pictures she had drawn where real scenes and real people. Nothing seemed to be of her imagination. The pages where filled with portraits of intricate details of random times. Some even happened over the time I was here.

There was one especially that caught my eye.

It was a drawing of a girl. But in that drawing of a girl she was surrounded by rubble and decaying debris. The gown she wore was torn along the hem and dirty bandages covered her arm. This girl was small. This girl looked like Eri.

Quickly flipping past that page I studied each drawing and quickly found her process and steps she took. The first layer was always a rough sketch of messy lines and disproportionate shapes. Then came the fine sketch, where she cleaned up the lines and it started coming together. Finally was the shading with harsh lines and highlights.

"Wow Eri I- these are amazing!" I say in astonishment.

The blush on her face deepened as she looked down at the floor again. "Whatever." She mumbled.

"No, I'm serious! If you could sell these I would definitely recommend it."

"Who am I supposed to sell it to, the trees?" She says as she finally looked up at me.

"That's a bit insensitive. That's like me trying to sell you an orphans left toe covered in glitter." I say as I watch a smile start to blossom on her face. I put the book of drawings on the table and pat the spot next to me, signaling her to sit down again.

When she did, she cuddled up against my side as we sat in comfortable silence. The girl was warm and I could feel myself beginning to doze off. But before I was fully suspended in sleep, she spoke up.

"How are you going to raise the baby?" She asks gently.

"Honestly? I don't know." I say as I stroke her hair to calm her as I feel her heart rate spike.

"What if dad's right? What if something goes wrong?" She says in panic.

"Can we not freak out the pregnant lady? It would be appreciated." I say sarcastically.

"Sorry." She mumbles as she buries her head in my shoulder.

"No it's alright. I completely understand how this could go wrong in so many ways and how difficult this is gonna be, but the least I could do for them is try." I say back.

"Calling it 'them' is going to get irritating really fast." She starts with an annoyed sigh. "Have you though of any names yet?" She says with slight excitement laced in her tone.

"Eri, I have been pregnant for about 2 and a half months. I haven't gotten that far." I say with an airy chuckle.

"Good. I can help." She says as she pulled a notebook and pen out of no where.

"Wha- where the hell did you get those?" I say sitting up as she does too.

"✨Magic✨" is what she says as she uncaps the pen and begins making a chart. "Do you have any ideas in mind?"

"Umm, it really." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Alright then." She says popping her neck. "Let's get to work."

Time skip brought to you by Progressive

After brainstorming for quite a while, this is what we came up with.

(First, middle)
Lillibeth Huxley
Anae Ochino
(Desired name of choice)

Ellios Cavanaugh
Foster Nadean
(Desired name of choice)

We both sat back and settled into the cushions and let out tired sighs. Who knew baby name picking would be so hard? Just as I was about to get up to make some sort of snack with the supplies we had left, there was a special knock at the door. Me and Eri froze until the door opened to show the food squad back from their hunting.

"FINALLY!" Yanoru exclaimed as she plopped down on the floor.

"Oh please." Inko said as she picked up the duffel bags and walked into the kitchen. "We weren't even gone that long."

"Still." Yanoru argued as she looked up at me. "Sooooo, what have you two been doing all day."

"Oh nothing." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and went to help Inko in the kitchen.


"Oh now I'm interested." Yanoru says as she gets up of the floor and joins us all in the kitchen.

"Fine." I say with a sigh. "We talked and decided on baby names"

"WHAT?" Yanoru yells. "LEMME SEE BITCH!"

"Language." Inko says.

Eri then shows Yanoru the list and she reads over it with a frustrated look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I say as I stop putting away the cans.

"I don't know how you're gonna decide which one to choose. They're all so good!" She says.

"Decide what?"

New chapter.
Little bit of fluff,
Little bit of angst,
Someone ne-
*smackes hand over keyboard*
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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