Chapter 3

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"Yanni! Let. Y/n. Go." Midoriya says in a stern voice.

I peer over the girls shoulder and catch a glimpse of the two men I came here with. Todoroki has his machete in hand with a worried look on his face. Midoriya looks beyond worried. He looked pissed as well.

When the girl turns as well to look at them, I can see her shoulders drop and the thing that she is pressing against my neck disappears.

"D-doriya?" She asks with a shakey voice. "Todo?"

"Yes Yanni, it's us. Just let her go." Todoroki says in a calm voice.

"If you'd open your god damn eyes, you would see that I already did." She replies in a calm yet pointed voice. "What the hell are y'all doing here?"

"We could ask you the same." I reply in a shy tone. Yanoru "Yanni" Hamadozo went to UA with us. She used to be one of my best friends. But then she just disappeared. Everyone was sent into panic even Aizawa sensei, but that made sense. Yanoru was like his daughter. We didn't even see her when we graduated.

So seeing her now was a shock.

When she turned to look at me, there was sadness in her eyes. In the blink of an eye, she had her arms wrapped tight around me and pulled me closer to her in a hug.

"I'm sorry." She whispered into my ear. When we were together, we had that sister like bond. So I was mortified to find that she just went missing. "I'm so so sorry." She just kept repeating.

I held her tight as I embraced her back and I could feel something running down my neck. She was crying. She was usually a cold hearted girl who never let anyone see her true colors but I guess something must've happened.

Then we heard loud groaning. We immediately released out hug and looked around to see that there was a hoard just outside of the store. "We need to leave." Midoriya said.

"No shit Sherlock." Yanoru said as she picked up my bow and handed it to me. "Do not engage. You'll waste your ammo, just follow me." 

The three of us quickly gathered our things and followed her out of the store and down a trail.

Tiny time skip

When we reached the end of the trail we found ourselves in front of a house. A house that looked oh so familiar. When we walked up to the door Yanoru held out a hand that signaled us to stop. She went to the door and did a special little knock before we walked in.

Entering the house, we say that it was empty. Until three figures popped up from behind the couches. "Yanni what took you so lon-" one of them starts. It was Aizawa.

And we stood there like that for a good four minutes. Behind one couch was Aizawa with a crossbow in hand. Behind another couch was Present Mic with Eri close to his side. When me and Mic locked eyes I nearly collapsed. Yanoru's family was like my 2nd family. They were the ones I would go to when I couldn't stand being at my house.

I felt tears gather up In my eyes and I brought a hand up to cover my mouth so not much noise was made. "Well, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come inside?" Yanoru said.

We snapped out of our little daze and stepped fully into the home and set our things down before embracing our elders and Eri.

Eri immediately ran up to Izuku and he picked her up and hugged her close as tears fell from his eyes. He always had a way with kids. Todoroki and Yanoru stood in another corner hugging each other as they shook with sobs. And no, they are not dating, at least I don't think they are.

I looked over to Mic and Aizawa and without hesitation we ran and hugged each other. They were warm and safe. Like how parents should have been. And that's how we all stayed. Hugging each other like it would be our last with tears that felt feverishly hot.

When the little hugging break was over, Aizawa offered that the three of us could stay with them. We quickly agreed, especially me, and began unpacking our belongings. We put our food with theirs so we could share it in the future and began to settle down in the rooms. Aizawa and Mic would stay in one, Izuku and Todoroki would stay in another, and me, Eri, and Yanoru would stay in another.

All the rooms where upstairs and there was another room in the basement but we all thought that it would be better if we stayed in a room with at least one other person.

It was getting darker now and I could feel fatigue wash over me. And hunger. I walked down the stairs to see that Izuku was reading a book to Eri and Mic was in the kitchen with the others. When Yanoru walks out of the kitchen and catches my eye, she immediately grabs my arm and drags me back up the stairs.

"We need to talk." She says in a calm voice.

Oh shit. What happened this time?

When we get to the room that we shared, she walked me in and closed the door behind us locking it.

"Sit down, please." She said as she took a spot on the bed. I quietly walked over to her and sat next to her. "Y/n, is there something that you're not telling Zuku and Todo?" She asks.

"W-what do you mean?" I reply. There's no way.

"Y/n. The boys said that you've been throwing up non-stop and that you're not telling them why. Are you sick? Did something happen?" She asks. Why did the boys have to tell her? I definitely couldn't lie to my own "sister". So what would I tell her?

"N-nothings wrong Yanni. Im perfectly fine." I say with a false smile on my face.

And in reply, she gives me a sad one. "Y/n, I know you're lying." She says in a voice just above a whisper. "What's wrong."

She takes my hand in hers and I begin to cry. The tears just flow one after another. And it won't stop. She hugs me close to her and I begin to cry in her shoulder until her shirt is damp with my tears.

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay y/n. It's okay." She repeats until I calm down. "Y/n what's wrong? What happened?" She repeats once more.

Then the words just roll off my tongue without a second thought.

"I'm pregnant."

what a turn of events.
So, just to make this clear before we get any further,
Yanoru was adopted my Mic and Aizawa along with Eri
Yanoru and y/n have a sister like bond.
And if it bothers you that y/n is pregnant, just leave. It's gonna be part of the story and your hateful comments are not needed.
This is MY story

If there are anymore questions just lmk?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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