Chapter 26

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That night as the sun had fully set, it was actually quite calm. Dinner was peaceful and with out fights, not even Kirishima and Dabi glared at each other. It was like they had actually come to term that they were now living together and that you made your own decisions.

So they would let you choose.

Kirishima was still hurt over what he was earlier but again, he would get over it at some point.

Laughs filled the air as you all made friendly conversation like you had been doing this for years when in reality it had only been a few hours.

Everything had been going smoothly until dinner was done and you were all just talking at the table and having fun. But as the saying goes, whenever there is happiness, ruin is soon to follow.

And that's exactly what happened.

You were just sitting there as you cradled Kimiya in your arms ans listened to the others talk about whatever it was they were talking about.

Then there is a fist colliding with the table and you listen as it rattles everything on it like the silverware and the glass cups against each other and something takes over.

A foggy and vivid memory starts with table ware clattering as a fist is repeatedly slammed against the table. Then a faceless man is in your face yelling at you like there is no tomorrow. Saliva flings itself from his mouth and you flinch back as it lands on your face.

The baby you once held was no longer in your arms and you know that you are a child once again. The child that had been through so much for her age.

The man then lifts his fist and strikes you again and again in the face without letting you get up or defend yourself.

You feel the hot tears stream down your face and the sobs and rake through your body. You cried out, begging for someone to help you end this nightmare. The nightmare that seemed to real to be true.

You felt it every single time his fist connected with your body. You felt how his words affected you. You heard his shouts echo in your ears, but you also heard other shouts off in the distance as if it were background noise.

"It's just a nightmare!"

"You can get out of this!"

"You can do it!"

The words encouraged you to try to focus on what had happened before. On the cheerful laughter of your family and friends.

A warmth on your leg begins to pull you from the horrid memory and you use that warmth to ground yourself into the present. The warmth held a comforting and relaxing energy as you were finally pulled back to the present.

Everything was just as it was before. Everyone was talking and laughing except for you. You felt as the tears started to run down your face, you felt the small baby sleeping peacefully in your arms, and lastly you felt the warmth on your thigh.

You look over to see Bakugo already looking at you with furrowed and concerned brows.

He had been listening to the extras talk and mae jokes when Izuku slammed his fist into the table as he burst into loud laughter. Next to him, you had gone dead silent. Usually you would chuckle at a comment or two or you would bounce the baby as she slept in your arms, but you had gone still.

He cast a side eye at you to see that your face had gone slightly pale from it's usual s/c tone and that your eyes were wide with fear.

He watched as the tears began to swell in your eyes as the people around you got louder with their laughing and shouting. And slowly, the tears began to fall, one by one. He hoped that you would eventually snap out of it and play it off like a joke, but you never did.

Instead you held your breath and let the tears fall from your unblinking eyes. Bakugo knew that something was wrong but he didn't know what it was or how to help you.

But he knew that he shouldn't draw to much attention to you incase the attention made it worse. So he kept his head turned toward you a little bit, not to noticeable, and placed a rough but gentle hand on your thigh.

And he watched as there was a fighting light in your eyes as you pulled yourself back to him. He watched as you slowly began to relax and take in deep and smooth breaths compared to the ragged ones from just a couple seconds ago.

You turned your teary face to him and there was a new glint in your eyes that were thanking him.

For what?

He doesn't know. But he knows that sometimes the helper needs help themselves. He took his hand off of your thigh and watched as you stood to leave with the excuse that you needed to get Kimiya down to bed.

It wasn't exactly a lie but you also just wanted a chance to be alone and away from the boisterous group.

You carried your baby close as you walked down the hall to your new room equipped with everything that you needed to care for the baby including a crib, change table, boxes of clothes, and boxes of diapers and wipes.

But you still had yet to use the crib because while you were pregnant you had read an article at the base that if the newborn infant didn't hear a heartbeat, their heartbeat would just stop. Your baby depended on your heartbeat to know whether it could keep living or not.

You didn't know if it was true but you didn't want to find out the hard way.

You quickly changed yourself then the baby before feeding her once again and beginning to burp her.

As you were trying to burp her you heard the soft sliding sounds of the door opening and closing. You turn around to see Bakugo standing there in the doorway with a calm look on his face.

A rather odd contrast to what you were used to seeing, but nonetheless it was nice to see him look so at ease. But under that calm mask you could see the worry that shone in his eyes. There was a silent question that he seemed to be asking.

What happened?

You let out the breath that you had unconsciously been holding.

"I honestly don't know what happened but the sound of the slam on the table seemed to trigger a bad memory and I let it take over." you whispered as Kimiya finally burped.

Pretty soon she would be snoring sound asleep.

"Is that it?" Bakugo asked softly as he took the baby from your arms, giving you a chance to do things for yourself. As you were brushing your hair out, you answered.

"I-it just felt so real. Like it was all happening again." you said as your voice began to wobble. You felt yourself get enveloped in the bad memories again but this time you didn't put up a fight.

You let them take over.

Bakugo had quickly laid the now sleeping baby down on the mattress as he rushed over to you as you collapsed to your knees, spewing utter nonsense.

"Im such a horrible person!" you sobbed as Bakugo held you. "I shouldn't be a mother! I'm not fit to do this!"

Bakugo could do nothing but stroke your hair in an attempt to calm you and say soft praises on how you would do great as a mother and how you were doing great, but nothing seemed to work.

He started to get worried that you would get dehydrated from the amount of crying you were doing.

But shortly after Dabi came into the room with a waterbottle having decided to check up on you. He was utterly shocked to find you crying in Bakugo's arms and Kimiya just layning there on the floor bound mattress.

He quickly shooed Bakugo away and picked you up and set you in the bed before getting the three of you comfortable so you could sleep.

And eventually you cried yourself to sleep with your baby in your arms and you in Dabi's.

I would like to apologize for not uploading yesterday
I didn't get sleep
I still haven't gotten sleep
But ima try tonight
Happy early Valentine's Day or whatever you celebrate tomorrow!
I will not be uploading tomorrow, the 15, or the 16 due to personal matters.
I hope you all understand

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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