Chapter 11

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3 days later

We left the house some time ago after we had decided that we need a new place to live. Because, obviously, there were to many of us.

As we walked down the street our breaths came out in little cloud puffs in front of us, signaling that it was getting colder. Which sucked for us since we were constantly on the move outside. We tried bundling up in layers to keep warm but in the end it was ineffective. We still had chattering teeth as the cold seeped into our bones.

But it mainly sucked for me because I wasn't allowed a weapon. Usually I would use my bow but the amount of clothes I was wearing wouldn't allow me to use it properly. So, when I tried to peel some layers off, Izuku got pissed and insisted that I keep me and the baby warm.

Which was stupid.

I had asked them not to treat me any differently but here we are.

"Holy crap it's cold." Eri said from beside me with her barbed wire bat in hand. Even the child was allowed to carry a weapon. "I can only imagine how cold you feel." She said as she turned and looked up at me.

"Oh i-I'm really warm." I said sarcastically in return.

And in response she just rolled her eyes at me. A few minutes later, we heard groaning. Which was NOT a good thing. Everyone quickly got into defensive positions and I just stood there like a dumbass. But it's not like there was much to do since I had no weapon.

And slowly but surely, a small hoard of zombies made their way towards us. As quickly and as quietly as possible the zombies were taken down. After the last body hit the floor, small white snowflakes started to fall from the sky.


We walked down the street at a faster pace but the snow just kept falling. It was falling fast and heavy so if we didn't find shelter within the next 15 minutes, we would be human popsicles.

"C'mon guys! We need to pick up the pace!" Izuku shouted from the front. Todoroki and Kirishima, who were carrying the supplies, started treading forward in the snow that was starting to become difficult to see through. I latched onto Eri's hand as to not lose her in this horrible weather. When her hand was in mine, she gave mine a reassuring squeeze letting me know that she was ready to move forward.

I put an arm in front of my face so I could see clearly so I wouldn't lose the others.

After walking for another 5 minutes we could barely see a couple feet in front of us. We had resorted to holding each other's hand so we wouldn't lose anyone but it wasn't any better for Izuku who was in front. He was guiding us all blindly to our destination. Before we had left, we decided that we should head for one place in particular.

U.A. High school.

It was the best place to go because it had everything that we needed. It had several large rooms, bathrooms, hopefully electricity, a kitchen, and if possible, the dorms were there as well. But we hadn't yet decided where we were staying. We might reside in the school because it also had the nurses office with medical supplies that would be useful.

With each step we took the snow just kept getting thicker and I was only getting colder. My fingers and toes were numb and soaking wet with the snow that made its way through.  But it was getting too cold.

The world started turning white and I felt myself getting lighter.




Then, the world was pitch black.


When I came too, I was in an unfamiliar environment. It was all to hazy to understand, but I definitely understood what the shiver that ran through my body meant.

It was very cold and there was a slight weight over my entire body. I looked down and saw that there was a mountain of blankets and clothes over my entire body. But it was still to cold.

It was so cold it hurt.

It hurt to move, it hurt to breath, it hurt to even open my eyes.

I opened my mouth to call out because I felt that the room was empty but all that came out was a strangled cry for help. From somewhere beside me I heard a door open and two sets of footsteps coming my way.

"Y/n! Are you okay? What's wrong?" A panicked voice says.

I try to open my mouth to respond and say that it hurts, but again, all that came out was a pained whine. I try to move but I feel my body tense up and pain erupts. I feel tears roll down my face and they feel boiling against my skin. I cry out again and I feel hot hands against my skin.

"Shit, Izuku her skin is ice cold." Someone says. The panic rather obvious in their voice. Then there are more footsteps that enter the room and there is a clanging noise.

"Remove her clothes. All of them." A familiar feminine voice says. And, in an attempt at being gentle, my clothes are removed and it was even colder than before. I was in so much pain that I wanted to cry out but couldn't.

There are more instructions voiced and more shuffling before the voices started to make more sense again.

"Strip. She needs as much skin to skin contact as possible and you men radiate heat."

"Wait! Watch out for her stomach!"

"Why watch out for her stomach?"

"We'll tell you later. Just do as you're told."

Then I am being lifted and moved as a new and rather large heat encases my body along with the feeling of multiple blankets being placed over me again. The source of the warmth presses up behind me and pulls me in close with a strong pull. My back then collides with a rock solid and smooth surface that feels like a chest. And if I put the pieces of the conversation together, it probably was a chest. A strong chest that was ripped with muscle that I could feel every time they breathed.

Soon it was quiet again and all that I could hear is the sound of our breaths and the beat of their heart. And soon enough, I was coaxed back into slumber.

But not before I heard the gentle call that most likely belonged to whomever was behind me.

"I'm so sorry y/n. This never should've happened."

Sike bitch I lied.
I was ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒˢᵉᵈ to be getting sleep
And i did
For like
A few hours
But thats alright
I was just struck with insperation to write
So i did
And i do but dont like this chapter
Sorry for the short chapter
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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