Chapter 7

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As everyone began to get ready for bed and I was in my room alone and changing there was a knock on the door. I quickly threw my shirt on and went to the door to see that Ms. Midoriya was standing there in her pajamas as well.

"Oh! Hello there Ms. Midoriya. How can I help you?" I ask as I lean against the door.

"Oh please, enough with the formalities. It's going to get annoying. But anyways, Hizashi had me come and get you because he needs your help with something." She says with her hands crossed politely in front of her. I dismiss her with a curt smile and leave the room to find Hizashi.

I enter his shared room with Aizawa to see only him and Yanoru.

Well shit's about to go down.

"Lock the door behind you please." He says as I enter. Once I locked the door, we stand there as an awkward silence hangs in the air. I know that I feel awkward because I'm just standing there. The other two sit comfortably, but they don't look comfortable.

Yanoru has that same guilty look on her face as she did earlier, but I noticed lately that was just how her face rested. Instead of resting bitch face, she had a resting panic face. But I wouldn't say panic, more like a constant paranoid state.

Hizashi wore a similar concerned look like when he asked me if I had an eating disorder. But without putting me though into it, I knew that he knew. He knew and maybe the guilty look on Yanoru's face was genuine.

Something broke in me.

I had told her to keep this a secret but here she was telling people. Maybe trusting her again after all these years apart was a mistake. Maybe staying here was a mistake.

As I turn my eyes toward Yanoru again,she looks away with a sad look as tears fall from her eyes.

"Why the hell are you crying?" I ask with anger present in my tone.

"Y/n let's calm down." Hizashi tries to say as he attempts to keep the peace.

"No, I can't believe that I told you. I had asked you to keep this a secret because I didn't know how people would react! I didn't know how they would treat me! Whether they would turn on me like I was one of those or if they would help me!" I start to yell as angry tears brim in my eyes.

"Listen, I know I fucked up but-" Yanoru tries to plead.

"YES! YOU FUCKED UP!" I fully shout. "You are my god damn sister! When you asked me what was wrong, I told myself that I couldn't lie to you. That I would never lie to you! And all that I had asked from you in return now that you are here is that you didn't tell anyone but you couldn't even do that!"

At this point tears where flowing from all three of our eyes.

Me, pissed.

Yanoru, regret.

Hizashi, anxious.

Without causing further argument I leave the room with storming footsteps echoing through the house. When I walk down into the living room I can just feel the several pairs of eyes that linger on me but I pay them no mind as I walk out of the house and into the night.

3rd POV
The four who sat in the living room, ready to turn in for the night, where left sitting there in question. Especially when a crying Hizashi and Yanoru followed out the door after y/n who was in a state similar to theirs.

"What the hell is happening?" Aizawa says as he rises from his seat on the couch alarmed. Izuku, Todoroki, and Inko where left in silence as they stared at the open door. "I'm going after them. The three of you stay here and watch after Eri." Aizawa declared as he grabbed his crossbow and left through the door, closing it unlike the distressed trio.

As Aizawa stumbled through the dark of the night, forgetting to grab a flashlight because he was too worried for his family, he was caught in a pickle. He hadn't seen which direction they went in. But it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out with the unnecessary amount of noise that they were making.

Aizawa quickly but quietly ran to the seen to find an angry, shouting y/n wrestling with both Hizashi and Yanoru. And Aizawa stood there and watched as y/n was reckless with her moves, swinging her limbs wildly, and how Hizashi and Yanoru where trying to be gentle with their restraining actions.

"Just let me go already!" Y/n sobbed aloud as her body went limp in their seemed that she had given up. Yanoru and Hizashi where there crying right along with her.

"We don't fucking care about your god damn problems y/n! Just come home already! We'll help you just please stop fighting us!" Hizashi said in a normal tone with the occasional broken sob.

But Yanoru was a different story. "Sis I'm sorry please! Forgive me! I didn't mean to tell him! I was just scared for you! I was fucking scared alright! I was scared and tired!"

The sight before him broke Aizawa's heart. Even though the world was ending he wanted nothing more than for his family, real or not, to be happy. He wanted to hear their laughter, not their sad and broken argument over something random.

And just as soon as their heated wrestling turned into a crying pile, there where zombies soon to follow. But that should've been a given with the amount of noise they were making. The zombies surrounded the group and they immediately went into their fight mode.

And only then realized that Aizawa was the only one with something to fight with. "We'll talk about that later but right now there are more pressing matters." He said as he loaded the weapon and prepared to pull the trigger."I need you three to run through the trees and follow the path back to the house. Don't worry about me, I'll be close behind."

As he pulled the trigger and the zombie went down, they were sprinting through the trees following the well worn path.

And with ease they reached their sanctioned home with little to no problems. Instead of doing the special little knock on the door when they arrived, they burst through and closed the door behind them, locking it, before collapsing in panting forms.

Izuku and Todoroki immediately went to go check and make sure that they were okay, and for the most part, they were. Although y/n was still very pissed at Yanoru, she would let it go for the moment. Inko had come down stairs from checking on Eri to see most of everyone either panicked or breathing heavily. Yanoru covered from her fit quickly because she was used to the exertion and went to check on y/n.

As soon as she neared, the latter quickly turned over onto all fours only to collapse on her shaky limbs. Everyone watched as she made futile attempts to move but only succeed in rolling over. They also watched as she started to heave.

The ones who knew her secret where gravely concerned. Even though she was pregnant, y/n shouldn't be throwing up this much. She wasn't even that far along. And even the ones who didn't know where thinking along the same line.

They quickly helped her up and rushed her to the kitchen trash can where she emptied only half of her dinner. Which felt like a huge success because she would usually go until there was nothing left.

That night Yanoru slept with y/n in the downstairs bedroom to look after her whilst Inko stayed with Eri.

If it was bad now, things were only going to get worse.

Holy shit
I'm tired af
Although I still might drop the class,
I finally started this damn project.
Sorry (not) for the ungodly amount of curse words in this chapter
And also, sorry if none of this makes sense
I blame the sleepy brain.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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