Chapter 33

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Over the next couple of days, you and Shinso avoided each other. You yourself had felt guilty because he had but his life at risk to keep you all safe and to ensure that living was easy. But what he didn't know was that living was never easy to begin with.

So to make sure that you would and will be able to take care of yourself and those you loved, you started training again.

But this training was intense. You had a very strict training schedule when you were a pro hero but now it was even worse. Of course you paced yourself so that you could ease into it and not wear yourself out so easily but you still started tough.

You worked on building your indurance and strength without your quirk. You trained day and night only stopping when you needed to feed Kimiya or take a bathroom break. Otherwise you never stopped. Your families life was on the line. Not really but when it came to it they would be.

The others were growing worried for you as they watched you train in the fields through the windows.

They watched as you did pushup after pushup after pushup then move onto vigorous spins and kicks and punches. Then they watched as you ran several laps then did squats immediately after. They watched as you pushed yourself to your limits and went beyond. They understood why you were doing this. They all trained as well but it was only once in a while so they could keep their shape and endurance.

It was now day eight of your ridiculous training.

Yout muscles and joints ached for a break, to rest, but you didn't stop. You shoved through that pain as you began to limber up. It was rule #18. The last thing someone wants is to be running from a zombie and they get a random cramp.

You had several small scrapes that were rapped up with bandages along with bruised and bloody knuckles.

You wanted to give into the pain, you wanted to stop, but you had to protect them all. You had to prove yourself worthy.

You were doing your gentle and pulling stretches which began to ease the muscles, or you were just going numb.

Then you began to punch anything you could. Which most of the time meant punching trees, that's why your knuckles were fucked up.

You hit the poor tree until the bark began to peel away and your bandages began to fade away and become soaked with blood.

Then from behind you you hear the door crash open.

"Oi dumbass, you need to come inside and take a god damn break." you hear the rough voice of Bakugo.

"Unless Kimiya needs me, no can do." you say as you drop down and begin to do push ups.

Bakugo released a disappointed and sad sigh. He knew that it would take a lot more than asking to get you to stop this. You were destroying your body. And nobody wanted to see you do this to yourself.

"Y/n just take a rest day." Bakugo says in the softest voice he can use. But you still remained unfazed. You didn't look at him or respond.

"Please." he said again. But still, you ignored him.

He watched as you started to do pushups on your bloody knuckles and how your body shook with fatigue. Your pushups began to slow down drastically with the shaking but you couldn't be weak now. And not ever.

Giving up with the idea of talking you out of it, Bakugo starts to storm over to you but is stopped when you send a pointed glare his way.

"Bakugo I swear to fucking god, if you don't shut the fuck up and go back inside i'll tie you to a god damn chair and snap all of your fingers backwards and hurt you until you beg for death."  you say as you look him with your bloodshot e/c eyes and bloody hands.

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