Chapter 8

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That morning when I woke up, there was a slight weight that was lying across my torso. I open my eyes and rub the sleep from them to find that Yanoru was clinging to me desperately. If I looked closer to her face there was clear evidence that she had been crying.

Tear stained cheeks, red and puffy eyes. Poor thing.

Wait, no. Not poor thing. She told Mic. She betrayed my trust.

I quickly sat up and threw her arm off of me, not caring if I woke her up, and marched upstairs still in my pajamas. When I walked into the kitchen I was the only one awake. Well, that's what I thought until I saw a short figure walk into the kitchen.

Pale hair walked passed me and Eri went straight to the cabinet where she pulled out a granola bar and began eating it. But it was like she didn't even know I was there.

"Morning." I heard her mumble as she sat at the table.

"Oh, good morning." I say. It was like she had read my mind.

"Meh. I wouldn't exactly say 'good' but it's definitely morning." She said as she took another bite.

The new Eri frightens me. Honest to god or whoever is there. She used to be such a sweet girl that was a walking ray of sunshine. But that was when she was 6. She's 12 now. She grew up. And I didn't like it.

Ew. What a motherly thing to think.

As I leaned across the counter, I began to prepare a breakfast of some sorts. I made 3 cups of coffee, one for Aizawa, Hizashi, and Izuku, and prepared tea for me and the others. Except Yanoru.

And, speaking of the devil, she trips running up the stairs with her eyes wide with panic.

"The fucks wrong with you?" I say as I begin brewing the coffee grounds.

Her eyes settled on me and she seemed to relax for a bit before tensing up once again. "Y/n, look, I'm sorry-"

"Save it." I interrupt, not taking my eyes off of my task. "I don't want your sad apologies and pathetic excuses." And from the corner of my eye I see her deflate a little before she began sulking back downstairs.

Slowly but surly, everyone was waking up. Just as I had finished making the last cup of tea, Aizawa and Hizashi stalked down the stairs. "Good morning." I say.

The two of them mumble responses back as I hand them a cup each and make them sit down in the living room. The next to come downstairs is Ms.- I mean, Inko. And I hand her her own cup of tea. She gladfully accepts the cup with a smile and goes to sit down at the dining room table.

"Why don't you sit in the living room?" I try to offer.

"Oh no, it's alright dear, my back needs the support anyways." She responds with that sweet smile. The only ones that I was waiting on where Todoroki and Izuku. I leave their cups on the counter as I watch Eri strike up a conversation with Inko and I go upstairs to the boys' room.

When I get to their door, I give a gentle knock and wait for a reply.


And I knock one more time. "Zuku. Todoroki."

Still nothing.

I gently grab the knob and open the unlocked door to walk in and wake the boys. Both of them where in the large bed with plenty of space in between and wrapped in several layers of clothing and blankets. It must've gotten cold last night. I thought. I walk over to Izuku, who is close to damn near falling off the bed, and gently shake his shoulder.

"Zuku. Bubs. Wake up. I made you some coffee." I try. But in response I just get a grumble and he buries himself deeper into his blankets.

"Izuku, wake up please." I try again shaking his shoulder harder. And slowly his eyes begin to open to reveal those gorgeous emerald green eyes.

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