Chapter 20

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Back to U.A. where everyone is losing their shit

Everyone was in a panic as they searched everywhere for their beloved pregnant friend. They didn't think that she could get very far because she was pregnant but oh how wrong they were. They spent several days looking throughout U.A. and the dorms, they even checked the surrounding woods.

Kirishima nearly lost his shit when he found a zombie feeding on the corpse of a woman with h/c hair, but aS they got closer she didn't have the eyes that y/n had.

As the hours of the second day went on, they all cried endless tears.

Except for the ash blond. Sure he was worried but he was still a little teeny tiny bit sour from his first encounter with y/n and Yanoru


The student's of class 1-A were almost halfway through their first year when it was announced that they would be getting new students.

Two of Eraserheads children to be exact.

No one knew why they would be joining now of all times but no one complained.

At the beginning of class, Aizawa gave the lesson like usual until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Aizawa had said as he put a pause on the lesson. The door opened to reveal two girls standing there in the door. One being obviously confident in herself with her long black hair that shone brown in the light and her dangerous silver eyes. The other seemed to cower behind the other as her h/l h/c hair covered a little bit of her face and her nervous e/c eyes scanned the room.

The girls walked to the from of the room and began to introduce themselves. Then the damn nerd Deku asked about their quirks and obviously that came with a demonstration. The class watched in awe as Yanoru became a shadowy figure with pure black eyes and as y/n became a literal angel with glowing eyes complete with a halo.

Everyone was excited for the demonstration except Bakugo for he just sat there unamused and as bored as ever. But he noticed that the girls were polar opposites. Quirks and all.

The room was cheery and delightful until both girls snapped their heads to Bakugo in anger. 'What the hell did I do?' he thought.

But not even a second later the two girls launched themselves at him and began to beat him. But obviously being Bakugo, he fought back. Their fight was stopped by the teacher as he canceled their quirks and pulled them all apart.

Flashback end

It was only now to this day that he had realized that they sifted through Izuku's mind and had seen what Bakugo had done to the younger male in their younger years.

But none the less he had still grown fond of the girls during their time together. He even had some sort of respect for them.

But now since one of them was missing he was also thrown into a panic, especially since he had found that y/n was pregnant. Yes he thought that being pregnant during the apocalypse was dumb but he wasn't gonna pry on the details. His main goal was to find her so that way everyone could be at ease again.

Especially his best friend.

When the red head had burst into the room he shared with the other guys in panic he immediately knew something was wrong. Then he went on to spew that the girl had gotten up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and she never came back.

So he searched and searched with everyone until another day had come to an end. Everyone's minds were scattered between two possible theories.

1) That she had gotten kidnapped

2) Not that they would want to admit it, she might be dead.

As they got ready to sleep that night again, since y/n was gone they all had decided to share a classroom to sleep in. it was less lonely that way and they could all cry together. Except Bakugo never cried around the others.

No, instead he would wait until they had all fallen asleep and then he would go up to the fenced off roof during the cold nights and cry there. He would let it all out and remember how much y/n had really helped him during their high school years.

She was there for him when he was upset no matter how many nasty insults he threw at her. She was there for him when he was hurt, physically or emotionally. She was there to heal him.

And she was there for him.

So now it hurt so much when she wasn't there anymore. After he would cry on the roof for hours he would eventually go back down to the room to find that the young one was awake.

That night when he was coming down from the roof, he found Eri crying in the hallway. When he saw her there he didn't know what to do. That's why he always left it to y/n to handle. But now she wasn't here do he had to be the bigger person.

He slowly approached the girl as to not scare her but when he was near enough, he crouched down her her level and layed a gentle hand on her shoulder. When she looked up at him his heart nearly broke at how familiar the sight was.

It was so close to how he would leave Izuku when he bullied him. The red and puffy eyes that she had were just like Izuku's. He would be damned if someone else went through that, especially when he could do something about it.

He slowly opened his arms wide so he could embrace the crying girl. The two always had a close and chaotic relationship that was one of siblings and she had even picked up on a few of his habits like shoving her hands in her pockets whenever she as angry. So when he opened his arms to her, she had no problem throwing herself at him and hugging him close.

He returned the hug and sat there in the hallway trying to comfort her as best as he could while her tears fell to his shirt.

Eventually, he didn't hear her quiet cries or sniffles anymore. Instead there was only silence. He pulled back just a bit to see if she was alright and found that she had cried herself to sleep in his safe and warm embrace. Quite the opposite of the world where it was cold and brutal.

He carefully stood up and went back to the others and lay in bed as he stroked the child's hair to sooth them, more himself than her, and stayed like that 'till the sun had risen again.

Would they go out to look for y/n again today or would they assume the worst?

Short and shitty chapter check
Y'all I am not feeling it today
My life is a mess
But that flashback is actually a true story between my OC and Bakugo
Just without y/n
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
Love y'all ❤️

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