Chapter 48

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Now that they had both Kimiya and Yanoru back in their hold, all they had to do was get y/n back. The only problem was that the only one capable of bringing her back was Kimiya, and she didn't know what happened.

It was later in the night as Toga made dinner for the others. She stood by her lonesome in the kitchen as she stirred the pot with a racing mind. In the common room, a majority of the group was sitting along the couches while Dabi sat on the floor for the sake of Kimiya.

Compress was on the floor with them as he tried to be gentle with the sleeping child's wings so he could try and put them into a splint so they could heal properly. Though she was still unconscious, Kimiya still had the same tight hold on Dabi's torn and tattered clothes from before.

But he wasn't complaining. He never wanted to let her go again. He already lost to many people in his life and he wouldn't be able to last much longer if he lost another.

The silence that enveloped them all was filled with somber sniffles and the occasional sob. Yanoru had cuddled up with her parents ever since she had been back.

Let's just say that she didn't take well to the news of all that happened in the several years that she 'disappeared.'

She cried when she found out Shigaraki had died. She cried when she realized that she had missed out on years of her nieces life. She cried when she was told that her sister had taken her own life because Yanoru and Kimiya where gone.

In a sense, Yanoru blamed herself for the big ass mess that they where all in. Everyone tried to comfort her for the fear that she would do what y/n did, but nothing worked. She didn't even bother eating.

It was just one big mess.

It had been a couple days since the successful rescue mission that took place. And things where just starting to get back to normal.

Key word: starting.

Everyone realized that Kimiya was growing curious to the absence of her mother, and they knew that they would have to tell her soon. The only thing that they where struggling with was how to approach the child with such news.

Do they just out right tell her? Probably not.

Should they be gentle with it? Maybe.

What if Kimiya didn't understand what they were saying?

The time was drawing near. The 'adults' had agreed upon telling her what had happened after dinner that night in hopes that this would go smoothly. But it was in the likely hood that it wouldn't.

It was Dabi's turn to cook dinner that night so that's what he did, but with the company of Kimiya of course. Kimiya and Dabi had been inseparable since they recovered her from Overhaul so it was a unanimous decision that Dabi would be the one to tell her the news.

Dabi didn't necessarily agree with this approach but in the end it needed to be done. He stood at the stove while Kimiya played with one of her toys on the counter top next to him.

Every now and then he would let her taste the meal to make sure it was to her liking. But to also get her back into eating.

Although she was basically starved while with the villans, she struggled with eating. It was dangerous, especially with how light she was compared to when they last saw her.

Dinner was served and things where going smoothly. Well, they where.

"Hey dad- I mean Dabi?" Kimiya spoke from next to him.

With her little mishap, everyone froze. Kimiya was old enough to know that she didn't really have a father in her life, so why this? And why now of all times? Dabi went rigid in his seat next to her and whatever was left of his heart was shattered and broken into pieces.

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