Chapter 17

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I woke in the cold night with a start. The dream that I was just in is immediately forgotten as I feel the cold air hit my skin. The blanket that me and Kirishima used was a rather thick blanket, so that plus his body heat shouldn't have made me cold.

I slowly sat up and looked around and saw that the window was open.

Which was rather strange because I never opened the windows, especially not when it was cold out side. Which could only mean...

Something was pressed against the side of my head.

"Hello there princess." a deep and slightly raspy voice said in my ear. That voice. "How about you slowly and quietly get up and come with me?"

"N-no." I said as I heard whatever was pressed against my head click like it was a gun being cocked back. Maybe it was.

"Why not?" the person asks as they press the object harder into my head.

"Please don't do this. The man sleeping next to me is a really light sleeper so if I move and get up he might wake up as well." I try to reason, but they just don't give up.

I feel the thing leave my head and I turn to see Dabi with the gun now pointed at Kirishima's sleeping head. Fear begins to flow through my veins like blood and I see a slow sadistic smile creep up on his face.

"Now, either you come with me, or I blow his brains out right here right now." he whispers with a dangerous flash of his eyes.

"A-alright I'll go. Just p-please don't hurt him." I say as I start to slowly peel the layers of blankets back from me. Just as I was about to remove the pillow from between my legs there was a shift behind me and I feel Kirishima's arms wrap around my waist.

"Where are you going?" I hear him say in his sleepy voice. Panic rises again as I see Dabi in the shadows with the gun still in hand.

"I-i'm just going to the bathroom. Don't worry." I say still in a whisper as I lean forward and press my lips to his forehead in a kiss. I feel him lie back down and soon the soft snores can be heard again. I hear Dabi snicker softly as I get up and go grab warmer clothes. But as I reach for my jacket Dabi's scared hand captures my wrist.

"You'll need something warmer." he says rather gently. Then there is a weight on my shoulders and I feel that it goes down to my shins. I look at Dabi to see that he is now standing there in just ripped jeans and a tee-shirt.

"Are you insane?" I whisper shout. "You'll get cold!"

Wait, why am I worried? He's a villain for god's sake.

"Don't be worried about me doll. My body temperature runs higher than a normal persons. Now let's get going before red shark over there wakes up." he says as he gently takes my arm and guides me to the door and out the building.

While we walked out in the night I would have to stop every so often and rest as my feet were losing feeling and my back felt like it was breaking. And when I stopped, Dabi turned and waited until I was ready to walk again.

And while we stopped he would keep looking at me funny. And when we stopped this time and he looked at me funny again, I finally had enough.

"Why do you keep looking at me so weird? If you're gonna say something then say it." I say as I sit down to ease the pain off of my feet.

I look at Dabi and I see a look of surprise on his face. "Alright then. Why do you keep taking breaks?" he asks.


I lean back on ne hand and pull his jacket away from my stomach. I was so big that it was rather obvious that I was pregnant, there was no mistaking it. "Well for you're information, i'm pregnant you jackass."

His eyes flicker down to my stomach and they stay there for a hot minute.

"I forgot." is all he says as he keeps on staring.

"How do you forget that the lady you just kidnapped is pregnant? I think you need your memory checked." I say as I stand up again with the support of the tree. But before I can take another step, my feet are swept out from underneath me. I look up to be met with his beautiful blue eyes

NO. THEY ARE NOT BEAUTIFUL. Well they are kind of pretty...

"What are you doing?" I say as he continues walking forward with me in his arms

"You shouldn't be on your feet." he says as he keeps his eyes on the path in front of him. And that answer was all I needed. Yes I do care that I am being kidnapped by an enemy but he gave me his jacket, didn't argue when I needed breaks, and is even carrying me. Plus his arms were warm.

It wouldn't hurt to take a nap in his arms would it?

Yanoru POV

Since it was as cold as Aizawa's soul last night, all the girls decided to cuddle to preserve body heat. And it had worked throughout the night. We slept perfectly sound with no interruptions and nothing bad.

Until this morning.

I had already been awake but didn't really get up because it was to warm when Kirishima comes bursting into the girls room with wide and frantic eyes that shone with unshed tears.

He invites himself into the room and begins rifling through everything as the tears eventually fall. And soon after Kirishima enters the room, HIzashi does as well with tears also in his eyes. By now, all the girls are awake and watching as the guys slowly trickle into the room with tears in their eyes.

After about four minutes of searching, Kirishima falls to his knees and begins to bawl his eyes out. Then the guys are trying their hardest to comfort him but are failing miserably as the panic and tears of their own get to them.

"May I ask what the hell is going on or are we just going to have a crying sesh in our room?" Jiro says as she sits up all the way, irritation present in her tine.

Aizawa looks up from a crying Kirishima and through tears he says words that make my stomach drop somewhere below my ankles.

"Y/n is missing."

I'm so god damn tired it's not even funny
But I HAD to get this out
I even bugged my best friend so that way I could write this chapter and plan for future chapters.
I was planning on saying more
But then again
I wasn't planned
Oh well
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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