Chapter 4

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(Can we please just take a moment to appreciate the bond these 3 have?)

"I'm pregnant."

She just sat there and stared at me with unblinking eyes. No expression. No emotion. Just blank.

"Wellllll........" she began, drawling out the word. "This is certainly a turn of events."

"You're telling me." I said with a huffed sigh. And slowly, I could feel a smile creeping onto my face. I certainly missed having time with my sister, even if it was to break such news to her.

"When did you find out?" She asked me in a whisper.

"Three days ago. When this whole ordeal started." I replied. And that was when I went to tell him that I was with his child only to find him cheating one moment and dead the next.

"You really do have horrible timing don't you?" She said again with a laugh. And she was right. I did have REALLY bad timing. But this wasn't entirely my fault. As all the good and funny memories of my horrid timing were being reminisced on, something felt wrong.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up clear liquid. Probably water, which was the only thing that I had all day. Yanoru was right behind me as she closed the door and brushed my (h/l) hair out of my face.

She let out a sad sigh. "Y/n, if you really are. . . Ya know. . . You should start eating more. You're gonna kill you and it if you don't take care of yourself." She said as she rubbed a hand up and down my back. "And I'll keep it a secret for now, but at some point you're gonna have to tell the others. They'll especially get curious when you start showing."

"Yeah, you're right." I sad as I took my head out of the toilet bowl. This was going to be one of the downfalls of being pregnant.

I hated throwing up. It was a fear. One that I better overcome soon.

"Of course I'm right." Yanoru said as she helped me stand up and flush the toilet. "Now, I don't know about you, but I could go for a twinky right about now."

Then she grabbed my hand and helped me walk out the door and down to the kitchen where Mic and Aizawa where cooking dinner. She let go of my hand as soon as we were in the kitchen and went to the lazy Susan to pull out a twinky. But just as she was about to open it, Aizawa smacked it out of her hand and put it back.

"The hell?" She said as she tried to grab it again.

"No, you're gonna spoil your dinner if you eat that." He said as he threatened her with a spatula.

"Are you fucking serious? The world is ending and yet you're worried I'm gonna spoil my dinner?" She said as she glared daggers into the back of his head.

"Language." I said, knowing that there was a child in the house. "Even of the world is ending we should just try to keep ourselves together while we can."

"Exactly." Mic said as he walked into the kitchen followed by Izuku.

When they both walked into the kitchen, Mic ruffle Ed my hair and Izuku stood next to me with a sad but happy look on his face. "Hey." I whisper as I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close for a hug.

(Quick an: this is the future so pretend that everyone is taller than you unless I specify. And if you are taller than them. . . Shrink.)

"Hey. . ." He whispers back as he also wraps his arms around me. I lean my head against his chest and I can hear the slow but strong beat of his heart.

"Where's Eri?" I ask as I lead him back to the couch in the living room.

"Sleeping." Is all he says as he sits on the couch and pulls me down after him. When I cuddle into his side, I can feel how tense he is.

Something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask, not even attempting to beat around the bush. When I look up at him I could see that there was definitely something in his mind and how sad he looked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." He said. "To look for mom. I'm also bringing Shoto so we can look for his folks to."

"What about me? What is your plan?" I ask in a sLighT panic. I knew that he wanted to see if his mom was alright but I also wanted to make sure that he was alright.

"I checked and made sure, so you'll be staying here with Aizawa and them. The plan is that we leave tomorrow at dawn and look. We'll come back every week and a half. If we din't come back by then assume we're dead." He said calmly. And it pissed me off just how calm he could say this.

"Just assume you're dead!? Why are you asking me to do that?" I seethed pushing off of him and looking at his sad green eyes.

"I don't want you to be hung up on us. You need to survive too." He whispered as he sat up and looked at me with a look that was opposite mine.

"Just promise me you won't die." I said as I felt tears gather in my eyes.

"You know I can't promise something like that but I'll try." He gave me a warm smile that backed up his words.

"Remember our rules? At least the first three?" I asked.

"1) cardio, 2) double tap, 3) beware of bathrooms." He said with a chuckle at how ridiculous they sounded. I know that they're ridiculous but it will work.

Yanoru then walked into the room with Todoroki and Eri who was rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Dinner's ready." She said.

We all got up and sat down at the table. Of we weren't in the middle of the friggin zombie apocalypse, this would've been nice. A nice family dinner with a home cooked meal.

Later that night

And here I was yet again, with my head stuffed inside a god damn toilet bowl. It was around 2am and Todoroki was awake with me as he held back my hair. At this rate, if I kept throwing up what I was eating, the child growing inside me was going to die, maybe me too.

"Y/n. Are you sure that there is nothing you need to tell us?" He said as he handed me a cup of water so I could rinse my mouth.

And for a moment I hesitated. Like Yanoru had said, I would need to tell everyone eventually. But I don't know how they'll react. Would they be calm? Irrational? Would they think that they needed to rid of me and my child?

And I hesitated a moment longer.

"I'm fine." Was all I said as I went back to my shared room and Todoroki to his.

The other two where still fast asleep as I climbed back in bed behind Eri so she was now sandwiched between me and Yanoru.

As I brought the blanket back up to cover me, I couldn't help but think.

How was I supposed to survive the zombie apocalypse with a baby?

Someone knows
And izuku is sad and I miss inko.
Don't worry we'll meet her soon
Along with some others~
*evil giggle*
I'm honesty stuck.
Like, I know what happens next, I'm just struggling with making it happen.
I also have a project due next week but I'll TRY  to upload daily.
Don't get your hopes up.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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