"ChApTer 34" (just headcanons)

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If you haven't noticed, this is haLf of a chapter. Mainly because it's just a long ass list of headcanons that I whipped up ever since I started this book.


–before the big move to UA and when everyone still lived in AIzawa's tiny ass house, y/n would still get nightmares similar to that of when they dreamt of Izuku and Todoroki being zombies, they would often wake up and just either sit in bed or cuddle up with someone else.

–Eri is very particular with her drawings. If she fucks one thing up she loses all motivation and goes into a week long art block slump (*cough*cough*muffchoil *cough*)

–When Dabi was first assigned to kidnap y/n, he was very hesitant. And the funny part is that he knew were you were the whole time, he just really didn't want to threaten and kidnap a pregnant lady. Just because he's a villain doesn't mean he doesn't have standards.

–Todoroki has no fucking clue who Dabi is. He doesn't know that Dabi is Toya and idk if i wanna do something with this information.

–Inko knew you were pregnant the entire time. As someone who pushed a baby out of her vagina herself, she was very familiar with symptoms and signs.

–Dabi, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Yanoru in this AU have personalities and traits based off of tallahassee from Zombieland (i still recommend watching it if you haven't already)

–Y/n, Hizashi, Inko, and Kirishima have traits/personalities based on columbus

–Yanoru, Jiro, y/n and Toga have traits based of off wichita

–Eri is obviously little rock

–Shigaraki, Compress, Aizawa, y/n, and Shinso are as sarcastic as Bill-frickin-Murray from the few minutes of screen time he got.

–when they all first arrived upon UA, Todoroki spent his free time roaming tha halls, doing NotHinG.

–Todoroki never found his siblings or his mom which obviously make him sad because he thinks that they're gone.. That's what he thinks~

–Again, he has no remorse for (purposefully) accidentally shooting Endeavor

–Kirishima would often times just stare at the wall and cuddle you when you slept. He would just think about you and how the world would prosper from that point forward.

–Kirishima still doesn't know that Dabi threatened to kill him when you were kidnapped.

–While you were gone, the Aizawa family would hole themselves up in a room to cry so they wouldn't have to suffer alone.

–^^^Izuku could hear their crying through the walls.

–Dabi and Shigaraki argue a lot, especially when they're playing card game.

–Compress was very happy with the fact that he could help you during the pregnancy along with Dabi. they finally felt important.

–Twice is terrified of you. Either in your Pro-hero form, civilian form, pregnant form, or mom form, he is terrified of you.

–Kurogiri, whether you noticed or not, was always on the side lines and watching as you smiled, laughed, and went through your stages of pregnancy.

–Toga was someone you talked to often, other than Dabi. and She enjoyed the company you provided.

–Toga still calls you "mom" from when you comforted her in the hallway.

–When Bakugo and Jiro were first brought back to UA (the day with the big hoard and where you used your quirk) he was a tiny bit scared. Not of the situation, he never found the zombies scary thanks to horror movie marathons and the violent games he played as a teenager, it was more along the lines that he was scared for you. He noticed that you were pregnant and didn't know what would've happened to you.

–Hizashi is the favorite parent, sure you loved Aizawa but Hizashi was always the happy medium between strict and not caring o the parenting scale.

–you have taken a fondness in stealing Dabi's clothes. Or anyone's clothes in general.

–Jiro spends her free time thinking about how she felt when you were wrapping your arms around her. She loved how warm and safe she felt when she was in your arms. And since then she stopped glaring at the villains. She even tried t get along with them.

–Kirishima and Todoroki liked running their hands along your stomach when you started to show

–When you went into labor Shigaraki was a big ol' bundled ball of panic.

–Shigaraki didn't like benign around you, not because he didn't like you but because he was afraid of hurting you. Wether that be hitting you or yelling at you. He didn't want to do that.

–since the apocalypse started the terms "villain" and "hero" were long forgotten especially since at this point everyone was just trying to survive. That's why everyone was accepting each other so easily.

–During the birthing process, Compress was doing it blindly the whole time. Not like he was blind, but he had a towel covering all of you so no one could see you exposed and vulnerable, not even him. But none the less he was careful and knew what he was doing.

–I think I have already said this but Dabi was the first official person to hold the baby when she was born. Compress doesn't count because he obviously had to hand you the baby and you also don't count because you are the mother.

–Dabi and Kurogiri cried when you were giving birth and when Kimiya was born.

–Aizawa was a little pissed off and depressed when he missed the birth of his first grandchild. (i would be too). But none the less he was happy that you had the baby and you were both safe and sound.

–when you all (you and the villains) came back to UA there was a good pause as you all looked back and forth between each other for a good 10 minutes.

–Kimiya prefers cuddling and being held by the men, more specifically Bakugo, Todoroki, and Dabi. Basically those who have a heat based quirk and radiate lots of heat.

–Bakugo, though he won't admit it, has a special attachment towards Kimiya because she isn't like the other kid's he's dealt with. She's very calm unless she's hungry.

–Yanoru definitely spoiles Kimiya even though she's a baby. She definitely sneaks her little bites of soft food and what not.

–Yanoru has 2 different stashes of twinkies.

–Aizawa, Hizashi, and Inko sat everyone down (except yanoru) and gave them a talk on how they shouldn't make andy romantic advances/suggestions toward you because you needed to focus on Kimiya and because they didn't want problems amongst the others. And nobody objected, even if it hurt.

–Y/n sees Shinso more a brother than anything, likewise on his end.

–the boys don't let you do anything on your own.

–Everyone trains collectively so they can stay in shape and as healthy as possible

–Hizashi started outright sobbing when he saw how harshly you were training yourself, Aizawa on the other hand was staring with wide eyes as he silently cried.

–even though it is the apocalypse, some of the utilities still work such as the electricity and water. But that's it.

–even though Toga is introverted af with the amount of people there, she does strike up lively conversations with people and cook meals for everyone.

–Shoto is VERY quiet so he decided he wanted to use his skill to scare the shit out of people and almost fking die.

–Shinso still has the habit of going out at night and making sure that the perimeter is clear instead of sleeping.

–Jiro has a tendency to sing when she thinks she's alone. But what she doesn't know is that everyone can hear her. And they all love it.

-Shigaraki and twice REFUSE to hold Kimiya, especially since they got their quirks back.

And if y'all have more headcanonns lmk!!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
Love y'all ❤️

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