Chapter 47

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They had gotten her back.

Weeks ago they had lost two gems and they got one of them back. When they got Kimiya back, they hadn't really thought about the next step (neither have I). They knew that they had to let her use her reincarnation quirk in order to bring back y/n, but how where they supposed to tell a child that their mother was dead? Or that they had ended their own life?

It had been a long while before the group had left the base that was riddled with bodies, mainly dead or dying. Most of the time was spent trying to heal and bandage everyone from injuries that they gained from the mission, especially Kimiya.

She had been through hell the last month. They had kept her strapped to that hellish chair where they pocked and prodded at her, and sometimes hurt her.

She was extremely malnourished and skinny. She wasn't the same.

When Dabi had first finished beating the shit out of Overhaul with Izuku by his side, it pained him to watch as Kimiya struggled with a simple task such as walking. When she was in his grasp he was beyond livid. She trembled in his arms as she cried her soul out.

He held her close as he sat with her alone in a dark corner as he listened to her cry about how horrible the place was. He listened to her cry about how much they hurt her, both mentally and physically. He listened to her cry about the tests she endured and about the way they practically starved her to death.

When Dabi went to stroke her blood soaked wings she whimpered at the touch. Upon further inspection, he found out that the bones in her wings where shattered, which would explain why her wings hung limply on her back without life and why they where even out in the first place.

The poor child was in immense amounts of pain with every movement, including the rising and falling of her chest. The wound on her shoulder still bled even as a cloth was pressed against it.

Todoroki tried to use his ice to numb the pain, but she was just in too much pain.

Izuku, Eri, Compress, and Jiro sat together with Yanoru as she tried to fight through her fair share of pain. The green liquid still flowed through her veins so she would occasionally have her deadly episodes.

But she was also panicking and crying just as much.

She wouldn't let anyone within five feet of her. But she wouldn't keep them back with her words, instead she kept launching balls of smoke at them and using her wings to keep that difference.

The collar on her neck was similar to the one Overhaul made her when she was in her teen years. Just months before she entered U.A.

So the whole situation was a mess.

They were all getting ready to leave but first they scoured the building (im not going into detail about walking around a dirty ass building :])

When they finally got ready to leave, with several bags of equipment and things that they have found, they ran into a slight issue. When they walked up to the door, they heard the banging and groans of a hoard ready to break in.

Panic erupted within the group when long claws started to break the doors down. The heard then all collectively pushed the doors down to reveal the regular zombies, but also mutated ones.

Todoroki went to freeze them all into place with the black ice once more, but he was too drained to do anything more than sprouting pathetic spikes of normal ice. A few of the spikes managed to get at the zombies but not that many.

They all continued to move forward, and some even managed a full on sprint. The group then turned the other direction and hauled ass to an alternate exit, the hole in the wall. They should've gone that way to begin with but they were exhausted from fighting and walking around and that door was the closest.

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