Chapter 10

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Yanoru's POV~

"Decide what?" I heard a voice speak from the door. I look up from the list of baby names to see my dads and one other standing in the living room.

The new man looked very familiar. He had red hair that was long and tied back into a ponytail with bright red eyes to match. And he was extremely tall as well. And I mean, towering over Aizawa by a couple of inches tall. And Aizawa was 6 feet tall.

A gentle smile slowly creeped onto his face as he kept his eyes locked on y/n.

Speaking of y/n, she had completely froze where she was standing as she gazed in shock at him. Her eyes glazed over as a tear fell from her eye when she took a tentative step forward.

"E-eijiro...?" She says weakly.

Eijiro? Like, Eijiro KIRISHIMA?

And now it is my turn to freeze while looking at him. No fucking way.

And slowly a tear fell from Kirishima's eyes as he opened his arms wide. Y/n took another step forward before sprinting forward and tackling Kirishima. And I mean TACKLE. Like knocking-him-off-his-feet-and-pinning-him-against-the-wall type of tackle.

She had an incredible amount of strength for a pregnant lady. Remind me not to get on her bad side. I turned back to the kitchen and walked in as Inko finished reorganizing the pantry that I destroyed in my tantrum this morning.

I grabbed a twinky and opened it before whispering to Aizawa. "So what are we, an orphanage for grown people?" I said as I remembered the absurd amount of people now residing in the tiny house.

9 people, would've been 10 if endeavor lived but I would've killed him anyways.

As the night evolved, y/n and Kirishima didn't move from their spot on the floor. As I helped out with everything, I would cast glimpses of him running a hand through her hair or them sleeping or crying as their sniffles carried an echo that stopped in the bustling kitchen.

Everyone had returned from their little missions with the supplies they were set out to get. Me and Inko came back with 4 bags of food, though with 9 people in the house it doesn't seem like enough, dash's came back with the necessary weapons and supplies we would need, and Izuku and Shoto came back with more medical necessities than I could count.

Not because I couldn't count very high, but because there was a lot of stuff. Just as we were preparing the table and serving whatever was cooked, y/n and Kirishima came into the kitchen with tired, red, and puffy faces.

"Just in time, we were about to sit and eat." Inko says with her usual enthusiastic tone. We grabbed our food and went to the living room to eat since it was bigger and we could all eat together. It was nice.

A silence settled over us as we ate our meals until someone cleared their throat.

"I have something to tell you all." Aizawa begins from his spot on the couch. "As you can tell, there are damn near 10 people living in this cramped house. In three days time at dawn, we will set out to look for a bigger sanctuary. Understood?" He says as he makes eye contact with each individual in the room.

And for a brief second, my attention floats to where y/n is sitting by Izuku and I can see the worry in his eyes as he glances down his side to look at her. And y/n herself just sits there with a poker face. But reluctantly, everyone agrees to this plan as they finish their meals and prepare to turn in for the night.

Time skip

It was later into the night and I was back in the downstairs room that I shared with Yanoru. There was a heavy silence in the house with the only noise being the settling of the house and sometimes Yanoru's heavy sighs.

Was she still awake?

As if reading my mind, she spoke up. "Hey y/n?" she called out softly.

"Yes." I reply just as soft as to not break the silence. Next to me the bed shifts and I can feel her now facing me. So I turn and do the same.

"How are you feeling? I noticed that you haven't thrown up today. Well, that's at least what Eri told me." She said.

I haven't? I hadn't even noticed until she brought it up. Was everyone paying close attention to me now that I had told them?

"Hmm, I have been feeling better. Especially now that Kiri is here." I said in bliss as I remembered his warmth and the way he cried into my ears about how much he missed seeing us. And how I would cry and whisper back how much I had missed him.

Me and Kirishima always had a special connection. It was like that of significant others but we never really talked about taking the extra step. It was like the not awkward version of the stage between best friends and a relationship.

It was just really hard to put into words.

From next to me, Yanoru let out a small chuckle. "I can tell. You two stayed in that position for two damn hours!"

"Two hours!? Had we really been like that for that long?" I asked in surprise.

"You sure were." She said with a slight kick to her tone.

"Well why didn't you put a stop to it? I could've helped you out with the cooking or taking care of Eri!" I said as I now felt bad that I hadn't done anything useful.

"No it's alright y/n. No worries." She said.

"You looked happy. And you sure do deserve happiness in your life right about now."

Another chapter done
Short but done
And my project is somewhat done.
But damn I'm tired.
I would also like to say that long haired Kirishima is just.
*chefs kiss* mm absolutely delicious.
And yea, I know,
We are meeting the new characters to fast
But this is what happens when I don't write it out before hand.
But I'm also glad that I'm not writing it before hand because now I get a cahapter of this story out every night while I rarely update my other story.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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