Chapter 49

46 2 14

(im legit shitting tears rn idk wut to do w my life anymore)

A/N QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT!!!:I am sad to say it but this will be the second to last chapter, meaning that there is one more chapter that is plot based after this one! But that doesn't mean that this book is finished. Even after the final chapter is up and over with, I will be writing and publishing little extra chapters that didn't solely affect the story line.

Also, there are gonna be a lot of time skips in this chapter


Your POV

There was a bright light that kept shining in your hooded eyes, obviously bothering you from your nice slumber. The harder and harder you tried to fight the light away, the colder and colder you got. It was warm just a second ago, so now why was it so damn cold all of a sudden.

Then there was pain. There was an aching feeling where your limbs where supposed to be and there was also a whole combination of aching and tingling.

You tried to will the light to go away, because you have done it before, but it was extremely persistent as it was now engulfing you.

You opened your e/c eyes for what felt like the first time in forever. The crust on your eyes prevented you from opening them all the way but you didn't need to open them all the way anyways.

Hovering over you stood an exhausted looking child with a shiny face from sweat and tears. Her h/c hair was greasy and tangled as if she hadn't taken great care of herself. Her skin looked pale, not like it's usual s/c tone. And her purple eyes held a sad and emotionless dim to them that looked out of place.

The child then disappeared from your view as you heard a thud on the floor and a loud sob.

All to suddenly your body was cold an hurt. You tired to move your arms but it hurt to much to do so with how stiff they had been from being dead for weeks.


You were supposed to be dead.

What the hell where you doing here? With more effort than necessary, you managed to prob yourself up and rub the stuff that kept your eyes from opening all the way.

Around you stood a variety of people with wide and teary eyes. Then all at once the several people that where in the room where upon you and hugging you as if they where afraid to lose you.

What the hell is happening?

And just as soon as they had embraced you, they where letting you go and shouting at you all at once.

"What the actual fuck where you thinking?"

"Why did you do that?"

"I missed you so much!"

"I can't believe that you're back!"


That one voice, very unique and distinct from the rest, called out to you. It was a voice that you loved more that anything else on the doomed planet, it was a voice you never thought that you'd hear again.

Until now.

You saw the child that you had first seen before and you didn't hesitate to pick up the child and hug her close, even if your aching limbs protested otherwise.

All at once your tears where flowing as you cried with the child as as your shirt grew damp with her tears as well. You and Kimiya had stayed like that for so long that the other people in the room might as well have vanished.

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