Chapter 27

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You woke up with a start, for what feels like the millionth time.

Your body was hurting and spasming with pain, similar to that of having used your quirk, and next to you where Dabi was sleeping, you felt immense heat.

There was clamoring all round the rooms that you were all sleeping in as everyone was feeling some odd pain. But you weren't very concerned with your own pain, you were concerned that you baby was crying at the top of her lungs.

You tried to move through the pain but it was all beginning to be to much. A frustrated cry leaves you mouth as you try to move through the pain but with no avail.

Suddenly the door to the classroom that you were sleeping in burst open and there you see Aizawa with glowing red eyes and floating hair.

He's using his quirk?

Then from beside you, the heat gets worse and worse as a pained cry that is that of a male is heard. You turn your head a little bit and see that there a blue flames coming from the bed beside you and suddenly more adrenaline and panic rush through your body.

Aizawa stares at the blue flames and they die down as it is reveal that Dabi is lying there with heavy breaths and bloody tears coming from his eyes. And from behind Aizawa who is standing in the doorway, you see Yanoru running by, bumping into walls, with her eyes that solid unending black that runs down her face in rivers and her shadowy wings spread out behind her.

Suddenly you are flung forward out of the mattress you were lying on. You look behind you and see a blur of cream and white leave your vision and rest in your peripherals. You reach behind you and find that you have your wings out and about.

At this point you are made of panic. You remember that the usage of quirks attract zombies. But the bad point is, four of you were using your quirks.

Suddenly the building is rumbling and shaking with such force that you and Aizawa fall to your knees. The walls begin to crumble and your motherly instincts kick in when you hear your baby crying once again.

You run across the room where your baby is on the mattress and scoop her up in a blanket and her emergency bag as you begin to collect things and run out the room. Following close behind you is Aizawa and Dabi, quirks still active.

As you run by the rooms you see the chaos that has erupted.

Yanoru is clutching her head in pain as she tries to make it out of the building blindly.

Compress keeps turning things that he touches into marbles.

Shigaraki is staring at several piles of ashes that were at some point in time chairs.

Todoroki has fire spewing from his left side and ice coming from his right.

Izuku has One for All powered up and is bolting around with incredible and frightening speed.

Katsuki is helping an injured Kirishima down the hall as his hands sporadically release explosion after explosion.

Kurogiri is back in his form that everyone knows the most, covered head to toe in purple smoke.

Everyone's quirks were going off and causing chaos. The only ones that could take order and get things out of the building were Toga, Jiro, Spinner, and Inko.

Eri came tumbling down the stairs with Hizashi in frightening states.

Hizashi had blood pouring from his ears and a hand over his mouth as his other hand held up a shaking and crying Eri who had a hand covering her eyes.

That motherly instinct took over again as you took a blanket and wrapped it around you and Kimiya so that was she wouldn't fall when you let go of her, basically tying her to you. You then run over to Eri who has collapsed to her knees and wont listen to Hizashi's persistent shoves to get her out of the crumbling building.

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