Chapter 19

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The warmth was all around me as I felt myself being pulled away from my dream. The rhythmical beat of a heart rang softly in my ears as soft distant chatter could be heard.

My eyes cracked open a little bit to be welcomed by an unfamiliar sight. The place was large, no doubt about that. Across from where I lay on a couch there is a rather large kitchen with an island in the center that was piled high with papers and other things.

To my left the couch continued until it met the wall where a T.V. was mounted along with the entertainment center that had a consol of some sorts and various remotes and wires. To my right the back of the couch raised up a bit so I shifted and lifted myself up to see what was on the other side.

On the other side there was a large table where seven people sat.

One had blond hair that was tied up into buns on either side of her head.

One had some sort of mask over his face with intricate black markings.

One had disheveled dirty blond hair with a cigarette in his mouth.

One looked like a god damn lizard with purple hair.

One had shy blue hair that faded to purple towards the end with yellow eyes.

And one had shoulder length white hair and a scar on his lips.

I made eye contact with the one with faded hair and I fell back down to the couch but a groan was heard behind me.

Couches don't groan?

"Stop moving around so much." someone said. I turn my head to look up and my e/c eyes me a pair of turquoise ones in return. Dabi smirked down at me as the arm that I din't know he had around my waist tightened and pulled me closer to him.

On instinct, I put my hands up and try to push him back but it was futile as he overpowered me and forced me to cuddle with him some more.

Not that I was complaining though. The heat Kirishima radiated was nothing compared to the heat that Dabi radiated.


Flashback of what had happened earlier started to flash through my head and panic/fear began to flow through my body along with the adrenaline.

A shadow looms over me and I look up to see the yellow eyed stranger standing over me with a friendly smile on his face. Except that smile made me feel uneasy. I pushed myself closer into Dabi much to his annoyance.

"I said stop- oh, sup Kurogiri." Dabi said as he looks at the figure that was leaning over the couch.

"Kurogiri what the hell are you doing?" a raspy voice from the table shouted.

"They're awake." the man, kurogiri, says as he pushes off the couch and disappears from my sight. The sound of chairs being pushed back can be heard as all the figures from the table are now surrounding me on the couch where I lie with Dabi.

Memories from the past begin to take over and instead of the figures that were at the table, I now see the men from that night. Their faces are blackened out and all I can see is the sadistic smiles that are copy and pasted onto all of their faces.

I close my eyes shut and attempt to pull the blanket over my face to hide me but I feel it being pulled away from me and then the bad things from that night begin to fog my mind.

Dabi's POV because why not?

All the members of the league are now standing around the couch and staring at y/n. I also look down at her to see terror flash in her eyes and I feel as she begins to tremble against me. She tries to pull the blanket up against her face and I watch as confusion is shared amongst us all.

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