Chapter 12

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When I woke the next time, possibly in the morning I don't know, the sunlight filtered through the windows into my eyes causing me to squint from the bright light. I was still very cold and shivering but there was that warmth that was still behind me.

The warmth was presses up flush against me and I also felt that something was draped over my waist and came to gently rest on my stomach.

I don't know how or why, but just thinking of my stomach made me turn over to the side of the little bedded nest that I was in ans throw up all over the floor. When I had rolled over to throw up, the blankets that had been covering me along with the warmth across my waist had fallen off and the cold breeze hit my skin.

Amidst my throwing up I realized just how cold I actually was. I wasn't supposed to be this cold. I looked down at my body and realized that I was completely naked. My stomach turned again and I threw up but there was also a groan behind me.

"Ughh... y/n? Are you okay?" the person asks as I feel their hand rub up and down my back at an attempt to sooth me. My hair that had fallen in my face was pulled back so it wouldn't get dirty and I just kept going till there was nothing left.

When I was finally finished, I fall back to the bed and only then do I see who is in bed with me. Kirishima was there to my right in all his muscled glory and he is also (mostly) naked. He wore nothing but his boxers whilst I wore nothing.

His eyes seem to dart all around the room. Looking everywhere but me. Then I remember that I am entirely naked. Quickly I pull the blankets up to cover myself and to also gain some of the warmth back.

"I-i umm, sorry." kirishima mumbles with a small blush starting to coat his face.

"It's alright." I whisper in embarrassment as I burrow deeper into the blankets. "What h-happened?" I ask through chattering teeth.

Kirishima takes note of my stuttering and pulls me in close like before where our skin is flush together, no gaps whatsoever. "When we were walking a snow storm had hit and as we were walking you passed out. We went to check on you and you felt like ice. So we rushed into the nearest building and tried to help you. Then you woke up crying and whining so Yanoru came in and told us that you most likely had hypothermia. So she asked me to stay here with you like this."

"Yea, that seems about right from what I remember." I say through a yawn. "But where are we?" I ask as I look around.

Kirishima adjusts his position a little bit before settling back and looking around. "You managed to pass out right in front of U.A."

Looking around at my surroundings, they did look a little familiar. It was one of the classrooms. The desks where pushed and shoved aside to create a wide circle that held the slightly comfy bed that I was now resting on.

A sudden chill raced up my spine and I subconsciously cuddled closer to the warmth that Kirishima provided. He radiated heat like there was no tomorrow but it wasn't like I was complaining. I absorbed that warmth like my life depended on it. But I guess my life did depend on it. Right along with my baby's life.

The baby I still had yet to tell Kirishima about.

But I could wait to tell him. It wasn't exactly a dire need.

I rest my head close to Kirishimas chest and listen to the little sounds that poked through the silence. I listened to Kirishima's gentle breaths. I listened to the hypnotizing beat of his heart.

I listened as the door slid open. I sit up a little bit before wincing in pain and settling back down in my original position.

"Oh good. She's awake." a male voice says. At the recognition that the voice was male, I press myself closer to Kirishimas chest and pull the blankets over my chin. But my back was still exposed.

Kirishima must've sensed my discomfort as he pulled the blanket up so it could cover my back and spoke to the person.

"Yes she is. Now get out and go get Yanoru or Inko." he says with a small bite and  protectiveness in his tone.

"Who was that?" I ask into his chest.

"Midoriya." he grumbles.

Just as quickly as it seemed that Izuku left, someone new was in the room. "It's okay y/n. It's just Yanoru and Inko." Kirishima says as he feels me tense up against him.

Immediately relaxing, I turn around in Kirishimas arms to come face to face with a worried Yanoru and Inko with various medical supplies in their arms.

"Hey y/n." yanoru says as she puts the stuff on the ground so she can put a hand against my head. "How are you feeling?"

"C-cold, but fine." I say

"Yeah? Well you seem to still have a cold." she says as she begins to sort through the supplies.

"Kirishima?" Inko voices from Yanoru's side. "Has she thrown up at all."

In response, Kirishima nods and points to a small puddle of watered down vomit no to far from where Yanoru is squatting.

"Gross. I could've sat in that." Yanoru mumbles as she takes out a stethoscope and a thermometer. "Kiri, sit up and sit her in your lap. Please still try to keep her warm." she instructs.

And thats what we begin to do. Kirishima moves out from his spot behind me and sits up with his legs crossed. Then he grabs me and the blankets and picks me up with ease before setting me down in his lap, making sure that the blankets still cover me so I'm not exposed to the world and possible wandering eyes.

Yanoru sticks the thermometer in my mouth and puts the ear pieces of the stethoscope in her ear.

"This might be cold." she says as she slips the other end under the blanket. When the piece comes in contact with my stomach I feel myself tense up because of how cold it its.

From behind me, I can feel Kirishima peer over my shoulder. I can just feel the confusion that radiates off of him. From underneath the blanket, I move my hand and grab Kirishimas as Yanoru moves the cold piece around my stomach.

"Everything seems to be alright with them. But I can only tell based on the heart beat. But don't worry. The beat is strong." Yanoru says as she pulls the end of the stethoscope out from under the blanket.

(i just googled it. You hear a heartbeat around 5-6 weeks in. y/n is around 2 month prego.)

She then looks at me with a small smile on her face. "You're doing good y/n! And I can tell that you're starting to show!" she says happily.

"Wait what? Showing? Heartbeat? What's going on?" Kirishima says in confusion. Both Yanoru and Inko tense up a bit and look at me with wide eyes.

You haven't told him? The looks say.

"W-well Kiri. You see... before the whole zombie thing started, I found out that I was pregnant." i say quietly.

"Oh..." is all he says. "Who's is it?" he says rather calmly.

"It's my ex-boyfriends." I say back as I can tell that he's not losing his shit.

"And where is he?" he asks.

"He's umm..."

"Dead." Yanoru interrupts.

My head immediately goes to her and I see her standing there picking at her nails. This bitch. "Yeah. That." 

Kirishima takes that hand that I am holding and gently guides it to my stomach where he rests his hand and rubs little circles with his thumb. I feel his warm breath as he lays his head in the crook of my neck and gently kisses it. The blush spreads on my face like a wild fire as he mumbles a couple sentences against my neck.

"Congratulations. I'm happy for you. But may I ask one thing?"

"Sure." I say back.

"Let me help you."

Another chapter done!!!
Easy work since I just typed it out then copied and pasted it.
But wtv.
But just a little Kiri x y/n fluff.
Still don't know who the second "parent" of the kid might be.
Might be a girl
Might be a boy
We'll see
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all ❤️

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