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The next few days Jake isn't home. I don't even see him anywhere in the village.

"When those two get together it's always a nightmare" Mo'at jokes to my mom. "Trouble those two."

Apparently Jake's old friend Tsu'tey flew in from the high mountains and they were having a brotherly retreat.

"They go for weeks stirring up problems in the neighboring tribes." Mo'at continues rubbing her temples.

"Oh? They must be trouble for the woman too. Tsu'tey's name travels far even in our home" my mother giggles taking a sip of her hot drink.

"Tsu'tey is trouble with anyone but Jake is the one." Mo'at says wagging her finger at my mother "He is one that you must be careful about. Too many times I have to chase girls off"

"Well at least he keeps you busy" My mom responds as they both laugh.

An arm wraps around my shoulders and plants a kiss on my head. I leaned back on his chest holding his forearm.

"These next months can't go by any quicker."

For some reason I assume it was Jake and immediately rip myself away from Dorin.

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird lately"

"I just got startled" I said truthfully (I mean I was being honest. Sorta) smiling nervously

The crowning ceremony is in a couple of months but preparations will make things feel more like days. By that time Dorin will be Olo'eyktan and choose a wife.

Maybe he will choose someone else last minute.

"You just haven't been able to sleep" I say trying to pull from the air "It could be why you think I'm acting weird"

"You're right. I can't wait for all of this to be over and we can go home. It smells like shit here."

I don't even know how to have a normal conversation with Dorin.

"I think...I need to go wash my hands" I responds trying to walk past him but he just grabs my wrist.

"Wait spend the day with me"

That actually sounds...horrible.

"Yes! Our lovers why don't you two go out. I bet our clan would be thrilled to see you mingling"

My mother comes over to grab my hand and his to press them together.

I let out a sigh knowing I can't get out of this so I go along through town.

It basically consist of Dorin saying how much he hates being here and also him thinking he is amazing. But maybe I'm noticing this more because Jake is so different.

"The food here is disgusting" Dorin insults as a elderly  woman hands him food. I think it's even more annoying he's saying this in front of her.

"You don't have to eat it" I responds

"You're right. Where will I be without you" Dorin says as he just drops the food by the woman's feet and walks off.

He so rude.

"Ngaytxoa" I say bending down to help her clean. Initially she tries to stop me stating that I would get dirty but I tell her "it's ok."

"You shouldn't have done that" I lecture Dorin when I finally catch up to him. "The people are the ones who..."

"Pft." He cuts me off "Look regardless I am the next Olo'eyktan they have to follow me. I don't need to kiss their ass"

And right as he said that two large Ikrans fly over and land in the middle of the village.

Jake and Tsu'tey. They were both laughing and hitting each other.

"My people!" Jake shouts as Tsu'tey translate. "I have lived among you as my brothers and my sisters."

Jake has his hands out as people began to crowd.

"And I know this is late but please do me the honor to be your next Olo'eyktan."

The crowd begins to cheer as if this is what they have been waiting for. Women began to scream excitedly knowing that meant Jake would be also looking for a wife.

Tsu'tey and Jake both chuckles as the amount of woman asking questions about his personal relationship.

So Mo'at was right..Woman flock to him like they were gasping for air.

"Mawey! Mawey!" Jake shouts out "I have already picked a wife. I'm sorry" he pats Tsu'tey on the chest "but he is still available. So please feast on him as you must"

"Who?! Who?" Someone shouts from the crowd.

"Who is the wife you pick?"

"Tell us Toruk Makto!"

"When I become Olo'eyktan." He says walking off into the crowds "I want our clans to unite so..."

Is he...

"No longer will we need a lower forest or a upper forest"


"One family. Bonded."

Towards me...?

"So I ask, Levi'tra" Jake knelt down stretching out his palm and bowing to me. "for your hand. Choose me to be your husband"

I can't even breathe.

And then I fainted.

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now