14.5 🍋

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The crowning festival seem to go on forever. I never realized how much the Omatikayan tribe loved Jake not just Toruk Makto.

Jake wraps his arm around my waist and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"I don't believe you paid your respects to the new Olo'eyktan yet" He mumbles into my ear "Could be dire consequences"

"Really?" I reply sarcastically looking up to him . Jake smelled of alcohol and sweat. He has been with his boys a bit too long now. "How disrespectful of me"

"Very" he says slightly turning my head to leverage himself down to kiss me.

"I heard the new Olo'eyktan is a bit of an asshole" I tease and I can feel a devious smile form without even having to look at him

"Oh yeah?" He laughs "I don't know you should give him a chance you never know..." Jake trails more kisses down my neck "you may love him"

I giggle at his choice of words as he moves his hand from a loving position to a dominant one. Putting his hands on both sides of my hips. "You're drunk flirting Jake"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he snickers "i still act like this on a daily basis"


"How much did you drink?"

"You want me to stop drinking? Ok" he obeys shrugging his shoulders with a grin plastered on his face "Come to bed with me tonight. Then I'll stop."

"I don't know but my bed is so nice and warm" I play along tapping my cheek to think about the choices

"Mine is warmer" he adds on

"Will we get any sleep?"

"I would give it a 90 percent chance some other shit might happen"

"Like, staying up and talking about the stars and drinking herbal soup.." I trail off to earn a chuckle from Jake

"You want to talk all night? Ok I'm fine with that."

"Just talk. No sex. And you won't die?" I challenge

"Your confidence in me is amazing" he replies sarcastically yet a grin is still laying on his face.

"So just you and me? Alone."


"No Dorin?"

"God no"

"No Seze?"

"Ugh that's even worse.."

I just roll my eyes and let out a sigh "maybe"

"How do I get that into a yes?" He asks turning me to face him now and kissing me.

"I don't know you can always try begging" I tease

"You want me to beg for you?" he shrugs. "Sure" Jake actually gets down on his knees in front of everyone putting both his hands together.

I could die from embarrassment.

"Jake! Ok ok! I was joking stand up!" I frantically say as people are looking now.

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now